juvenility (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[juvenility 词源字典]
1620s, from Latin iuvenilitas "youth," from iuvenilis (see juvenile).[juvenility etymology, juvenility origin, 英语词源]
Roman god of youth, personification of iuventas "youth," from iuvenis "a young person" (see young).
juxtapose (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1851, from French juxtaposer (1835), from Latin iuxta (see juxtaposition) + French poser (see pose (v.1)). Related: Juxtaposed; juxtaposing.
juxtaposition (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1660s, from French juxtaposition (1660s), from Latin iuxta "beside, near" + French position (see position (n.)). Latin iuxta is a contraction of *iugista (adv.), superlative of adjective *iugos "closely connected," from stem of iugum "yoke," from iungere "to join" (see jugular).
jynx (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"wryneck," 1640s, from Modern Latin jynx (plural jynges), from Latin iynx (see jinx).
Jack the LadyoudaoicibaDictYouDict
"A brash, cocky young man", Nickname of Jack Sheppard, an 18th-century thief.
"A young man working on a sheep or cattle station to gain experience", Late 19th century: perhaps a blend of jack1 and kangaroo.
"A fast-growing tropical Asian tree related to the breadfruit", Late 16th century: from Portuguese jaca (from Malayalam chakka) + fruit.
"Cross or walk in the street or road unlawfully or without regard for approaching traffic", Early 20th century: from jay in the colloquial sense 'silly person' + walk. More The ‘jay’ in the word is the same as the bird, which has been used colloquially to mean ‘silly person’.
Jolly RogeryoudaoicibaDictYouDict
"A pirate’s flag with a white skull and crossbones on a black background", Early 18th century: apparently from jolly1 + the male given name Roger, possibly in the old dialect sense 'the Devil'.
"A type of cloth used for household cleaning", 1970s: J from Johnson and Johnson, the original makers.
Jane DoeyoudaoicibaDictYouDict
"An anonymous female party, typically the plaintiff, in a legal action", Mid 19th century: the female equivalent of John Doe.
jock itchyoudaoicibaDictYouDict
"A fungal infection of the groin area", 1970s: jock from jockstrap.
"An effeminate, weak, or oversensitive man", 1920s: from the female given name Jessie.
"A male police constable or soldier", From Urdu jawān 'young man', from Persian; ultimately related to young.
"A type of passenger-carrying hydrofoil", 1970s: blend of jet1 and hydrofoil.
"A large jet aircraft carrying passengers", 1940s: blend of jet1 and airliner.
"A large flat-sided metal container for storing or transporting liquids, typically petrol or water", Second World War: from Jerry + can2, because such containers were first used in Germany.
Jerusalem artichokeyoudaoicibaDictYouDict
"A knobbly edible tuber with white flesh, eaten as a vegetable", Early 17th century: Jerusalem, alteration of Italian girasole 'sunflower'.
jollof riceyoudaoicibaDictYouDict
"A West African stew made with rice, chilli peppers, and meat or fish", Jollof, variant of Wolof.