jim-jams (1)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[jim-jams 词源字典]
"A fit of depression or nervousness", Mid 16th century (originally denoting a small article or knick-knack): fanciful reduplication. The current sense dates from the late 19th century.[jim-jams etymology, jim-jams origin, 英语词源]
jim-jams (2)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"Pyjamas", Early 20th century: abbreviation of pie-jim-jams, alteration of pyjamas.
"An input device for a computer games console which uses buttons to control the motion of an image on the screen", Late 20th century: blend of joystick and keypad.
"A garment incorporating trousers and a sleeved top in one piece, worn as a fashion item, protective garment, or uniform", 1940s (originally US): so named because it was first used to denote a parachutist's garment.
"Uncultured; wild", From jungle + the suffix -i (as in Hindi); compare with Hindi janglī.
Jacobite (1)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"A supporter of the deposed James II and his descendants in their claim to the British throne after the Revolution of 1688. Drawing most of their support from Catholic clans of the Scottish Highlands, Jacobites made attempts to regain the throne in 1689–90, 1715, 1719, and 1745-6, finally being defeated at the Battle of Culloden", From Latin Jacobus 'James' (see Jacobean) + -ite1.
Jacobite (2)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"A member of the Syrian Orthodox Church (Monophysite)", Early 15th century: from medieval Latin Jacobita, from the name of Jacobus Baradaeus, a 6th-century Syrian monk.
"A Japanese system of unarmed combat and physical training", Japanese jūjutsu, from 'gentle' + jutsu 'skill'.
"Damaged; broken", Mid 19th century: from jigger1; its use to mean 'exhausted' is probably euphemistic for buggered.
"Deceitful or dishonest behaviour", Late 19th century: probably a variant of Scots joukery-pawkery, from jouk. More This late 19th-century expression means ‘deceitful or dishonest behaviour’. It is probably a variant of Scots joukery-pawkery, from jouk ‘to skulk’.
"An occasion of celebration and enjoyment; a good time", Afrikaans, literally 'party'.
"An administrator of justice", Mid 16th century: from medieval Latin justitiarius, from Latin justitia, from justus (see just).
jungle gymyoudaoicibaDictYouDict
"A climbing frame for children", 1920s: formerly a US trademark.
"A person’s neighbours or social equals", Late 19th century: from Jones, a commonly found British surname.
"An official who upholds petty rules even at the expense of humanity or common sense", 1970s: from ‘it's more than my job's worth (not) to’.
"(Especially of something mechanical) shake and vibrate rapidly and with force", 1930s: imitative; compare with shudder.
"A female novice on a cattle station or sheep station", 1940s: from the given name Jill, on the pattern of jackaroo.
"Relating to the law", Mid 17th century: from Latin jus, jur- 'law, right' + -al.
"A person’s bottom", Late 19th century: diminutive of jack1.
"South African term for yes", Dutch.