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这是一个复合词,由stone(石)和wall(壁,墙)合成,字面义为“石壁”,“石墙”。美国南北战争(1861-1865)时,南军著名将领Thomas Jonathan Jackson(1824-1863)在布尔溪畔战役(the Battle of Bull Run)中率所部一个旅的兵力,组成一道坚如石壁的防线,顶住了优势北军的进攻,赢得了Stonewall Jackson (石壁杰克逊)的绰号。stonewall通常多用于喻义,最初只被作为板球的一个术语,表示“防守挡击”,后来用于广义上的“妨碍行动”,和“设置障碍”。

例句: I want you to stonewall it, let them plead the Fifth Amendment(Richard M.Nixon) 我要你抵制它,让他们请求第五次修改(理查德M.尼克松)

The defense claims that the prosecution and the labs they employ stonewall' discovery requests. 辩方主张控方和他们雇用的实验室都妨碍了辩方的发现请求。

He stonewalled against the motion. 他以冗长的演说阻挠了那项动议的通过。

[美国口语] to stonewall for time 拖延时间

the efforts to stonewall passage of the legislation 设法阻止通过立法的努力

to stonewall someone doing something 妨碍某人做某事

Just because your bias or your tendency or your experience tells you to sulk and stonewall, you don't have to react that way. 如果只因为您的偏见或者是您的意向或经验就让您生气或采取抵制行为,那么最好不要那样做

She also admires the men who are actually like women: transsexuals and flamboyant drag queens, the heroes of the 1969 Stonewall rebellion, which started the gay liberation movement. 她也尊重那些实际上像女人的男人:变性人和穿着浮夸的装扮女王,1969石墙暴动(开启了男同性恋自由运动)的英雄们。

该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:stonewall 词源,stonewall 含义。

