1. Could you ring up the doctor? 您可以打电话给医生吗? 来自互联网
2. I'll ring up in a minute. 我马上就打电话。 来自互联网
3. You can email or ring up the store. 你可以给商店发电子邮件或打电话。 来自互联网
4. Please ring up our English teacher soon. 请尽块给我们英语老师打电话。 来自互联网
5. I'll ring up again. 我回头再打电话。 来自互联网
6. I should ring up her mother. 我应该给她妈妈打个电话。 来自互联网
7. Can you ring up the bus company? 你给公共汽车公司打个电话好吗? 来自互联网
8. I'll ring up if he's there. 我去打个电话看他在不在那里。 来自互联网
9. Did a girl called Gao Hong ring up for me this morning? 今早有个叫高红的女孩给我打电话了吗? 《新英汉大辞典》
10. Michael holds the ring up and observes it. Michael拿起戒指仔细观察。 来自互联网
11. Did you ring up your father last week? 上周你给你的父亲打电话了吗? 来自互联网
12. If you can't come ring up and let me know. 你要是来不了,请打电话让我知道一声。 来自互联网
13. If you can't come, ring up and let me know. 要是你不能来,打电话告诉我。 来自互联网
14. Ring up when you get back from your holidays. 你度假回来后请打个电话来。 来自互联网
15. If a retailer offers to ring up your purchase in u. 如果有零售商人提出说,要将你的消费以美元来计算。 来自互联网
16. I am set to ring up the curtain on a new lifestyle. 我要开始一种新的生活方式。 来自互联网
17. I just ring up to tell you I won't be back for lunch. 我给你打电话是想告诉你我不回去吃午饭了。 来自互联网
18. He held the beautiful gleaming ring up in the air, eyeing it from a distance. 他先把那枚漂亮的闪闪发亮的戒指托在空中,隔着一定距离观赏它。 来自互联网
19. Adjusting the Nest thermostat is easy: you simply rotate the outer ring up or down. 调整Nest恒温器的温度非常容易:只需将恒温器的外圈向上或向下旋转即可。 来自互联网
20. When he first gave me a thumbs up I thought maybe had detected something, and then after he held my ring up I just ran. 当他第一次向我竖起大拇指,我想也许是发现了什么东西,然后他举起我的戒指,我就跑了。 来自互联网
21. Not exactly an 'awesome job' by any means, but it's a start. When I got home, the first thing I did was to ring up the number. 虽然这还算不上那种真正意义上的‘梦幻工作’,但这毕竟是一个好的开头。那天我回家干的第一件事便是打通那个电话。 来自互联网
22. For supermarkets, Motorola makes a handheld scanner that customers carry around; it lets them ring up and bag groceries as they go. 摩托罗拉公司为超级市场制作了一个手持式扫描设备,顾客可以携带;他们可以帮助顾客结账,并在离开超市之前装袋。 来自互联网
23. Electronic cash registers can do much more than simply ring up sales. They can keep a wide range of records, including who sold what, when, and to whom. 电子收银机能做的远不止记录销售额,它们可进行各种各样的记录,包括谁卖了什么,什么时候卖的,卖给谁了等。 来自互联网
24. In order not to make nickel ring up tank, outside groove diameter ratio inside groove is big, this on the structure solved the nickel ring grooving problem. 为了不使镍环起槽,外沟直径比内沟大,这在结构上解决了镍环起槽问题。 来自互联网
25. If there were an omniscient central planner, she could simply ring up the sort-of hungry guy who decides he may as well drive to get that burrito and tell him to wait a bit. 如果有一套无所不知的中央计划系统,她需要做的仅仅是通知那个处于排队中的可能打算开车去买个玉米煎饼充饥的家伙再等一会儿。 来自互联网
26. I'll ring you up later. 我以后再给你打电话。 《牛津词典》
27. I'll ring you up later. 我以后再给你打电话。 《牛津词典》