词根:ger, gest(gist) = to carry(运、载)
来源于拉丁语的ger,gest是一对同源异形根,意为 to carry,to bear,其中,ger 是拉丁动词 gerere的不定式词干;gest 是这个动词的动名词词干,其意思相当于to carry(运送,携带,传送)。在英语中ger只出现于
belligerent(交战中的),congeries (堆积)和gerund(动名词)等单词中;gest却有很强的孳生能力。词根的变形为gist。同义词根有来源于拉丁语的fer,lat,port,veh/vect 和来自希腊语的phor/pher。
1. congest(一起搬运 con<com(=together) + gest (=carry,bear))
congestion n.拥挤;充血
congested adj.拥挤的;充血的
A number of large vehicles congested the bridge. 众多大型车辆使大桥拥堵。
2. belligerent(带来战争的 bell (=war) + ger(=carry))
adj.战争的,交战中的,好战的 n.交战国;参加斗殴的人(或组织)
belligerency n.交战状态,好战性 cf.bellicose 好战的
Son,i can't tolerate much more of your belligerent attitude. 孩子,我实在不忍受你好斗的态度了。
3. digest(di- < dis-(=away)离;gest = to carry 运送 --> " to carry away 运走或取去" --> " to take in 吸进来")
v.消化;领悟;做...的摘要 n.概要,摘要,纲要
digestible adj.可消化的
4. digestion
food hard/easy of digestion 难/易于消化的食物
have a good / poor digestion 消化力强/弱
5. digestive
adj.消化的 *di<dis(=away,apart)
digestive system 消化系统
suffer from digestive trouble 消化不良
6. exaggerate (ex出+ag=ad+ger带来,表达+ate表动词→表达太过分)
v.夸张,夸大 *ex(=out),ag<ad(=intensive)
7. exaggerated
adj.夸张的,夸大的 *ex(=out),ag<ad(=intensive)
He has an exaggerated sense of his own importance. 他过于看重自己。
8. exaggeration
story full of exaggerations 充满夸张的故事
It is no exaggeration to say that 说...一点也不夸张
9. gerund
10. gestation
11. gesticulate
gesticulation n.手势,示意动作;做示意动作、手势
12. gesture
n.手势,示意动作 v.用手势、动作示意
gesture of refusal 表示拒绝的手势
13. ingest
v.摄取(食物)等 *in(=into)
14. nonbelligerent
n.非交战国 adj.非交战国的 *non (=not) ,bell(=war)
15. suggest(sug<sub = under 在...下面;gest = to carry 送--> " to carry ( some idea) from under 从下面呈上(某种想法)" --> " to bring up for consideration 提出以供参考" )(请注意:本实例中带sug的单词意思
v.提议,建议;暗示;使想起,使联想到 *sug<sub(=under)
suggestible adj.易受影响的;可建议的
16. suggestion
n.提议,建议;暗示,启发;示意;联想;细微的迹象 *sug<sub(=under)
suggestion(s) -box 建议箱
hypnotic suggestion 催眠暗示作用
not even a suggestion of fatigue 没有一点疲劳的迹象
suggestion of blue in the gray 蓝灰色中还有一丝微蓝
17. suggestive
adj.暗示的;启发的,示意的;引起联想的,使想起...的;挑动色情的 *sug<sub(=under)
suggestive remarks 暗示的话
suggestive jokes 挑动色情的笑话
18. register
n.(出生、船籍的)登记簿;记录,登记,注册;(速度、现金出纳等的)自动登录机,收银机;通风调节设备 v.记录,注册,登记;用挂号方式邮寄;流露(感情等);(温度计等)显示,(机器)标示,记录 *re
register of voters 选举人名簿
cash register 收银机
register one's car /the birth of a child /a new trademark 给车登记/给孩子办理出生登记/注册新商标
19. registered
regustered desugb / trademark /letter/mail 注册图案/注册商标/挂号信/挂号邮件
registered nurse 注册护士(有证书的护士)(缩写:RN)
20. registrar
n.(美国大学里从事学生注册、核发成绩证明书、学籍管理等工作的)注册主任;户籍员 *re(=back),gist,gest(=carry,bear)
Registrar's Office (美国大学的)学籍科
21. registration
registration number (汽车)牌照号码
registration fee 注册费,登记费
22. registry
marriage at a registry (office) (不举行婚礼的)登记结婚
词根词缀:oriri-, orir-, ori-, or-
【来源及含义】Latin: to rise, arising, to be born, source, original; the rising sun, east; to ascend, to spring up, to become visible, to appear
【同源单词】Ab origine, Ab origine fidelis, aboriginal, aboriginally, aboriginary, aborigine