kith (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[kith 词源字典]
Old English cyðð "kinship, relationship; kinsfolk, fellow-countrymen, neighbors; native country, home; knowledge, acquaintance, familiarity," from cuð "known," past participle of cunnan "to know" (see can (v.)). Cognate with Old High German chundida. The alliterative phrase kith and kin (late 14c.) originally meant "country and kinsmen" and is almost the word's only survival.[kith etymology, kith origin, 英语词源]
kitsch (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1926, from German kitsch, literally "gaudy, trash," from dialectal kitschen "to smear."
What we English people call ugliness in German art is simply the furious reaction against what Germans call süsses Kitsch, the art of the picture postcard, and of what corresponds to the royalty ballad. It has for years been their constant reproach against us that England is the great country of Kitsch. Many years ago a German who loved England only too well said to me, 'I like your English word plain; it is a word for which we have no equivalent in German, because all German women are plain.' He might well have balanced it by saying that English has no equivalent for the word Kitsch. [Edward J. Dent, "The Music of Arnold Schönberg," "The Living Age," July 9, 1921]
kitschy (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1965, from kitsch + -y (2). Related: Kitchiness.
kitten (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., probably from an Anglo-French variant of Old French chitoun (Old North French caton) "little cat," from chat "cat," from Late Latin cattus (see cat). Applied playfully to a young girl, a sweetheart, from 1870.
kittenish (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1754, from kitten + -ish. Related: Kittenishly; Kittenishness.
kitty (n.1)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"young cat," 1719, variant of kitten, perhaps influenced by kitty "girl, young woman" (c. 1500), originally a pet form of fem. proper name Catherine. Kitty Hawk, N.C., apparently is a mangling of a native Algonquian name; it also has been written as Chicahauk.
kitty (n.2)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"pool of money in a card game," 1887, probably from kit (n.1), in a sense of "collection of necessary supplies" (1833); but perhaps rather from northern England slang kitty "prison, jail, lock-up" (1825), of uncertain origin.
businessmen's and professionals' society, formed in Detroit, Michigan, U.S., in 1915, the name is of obscure meaning.
kiwi (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
type of flightless bird, 1835, from Maori kiwi, said to be of imitative origin. As slang for "a New Zealander," it is attested from 1918. The kiwi fruit (Actinia chinesis), was so called in U.S. from c. 1966 when it was imported there, but it is known in New Zealand as Chinese gooseberry (1925).
1868, abbreviation of ku klux klan.
Klan (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1867, short for ku klux klan.
klatsch (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1953, from German Klatsch "gossip," which is said in German sources to be imitative (compare klatschen "clap hands," klatsch "a single clap of the hands"). Also see clap (v.), which in Middle English also had a sense of "talk noisily or too much, chatter" (late 14c.).
klaxon (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"loud warning horn," 1908, originally on automobiles, said to have been named for the company that sold them (The Klaxon Company; distributor for Lovell-McConnell Mfg. Co., Newark, N.J.), but probably the company was named for the horn, which bore a word likely based on Greek klazein "to roar," cognate with Latin clangere "to resound."
Kleagle (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
title of an officer in the KKK, 1924, from Klan + eagle.
Kleenex (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1925, proprietary name, registered by Cellucotton Products Company, Neenah, Wisconsin, U.S.; later Kimberly-Clark Corp. An arbitrary alteration of clean + brand-name suffix -ex.
1914 (adj.); 1919 (n.); shortened form of kleptomaniac.
kleptocracy (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"rule by a class of thieves," 1819, originally in reference to Spain; see kleptomania + -cracy.
kleptomania (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1830, formed from mania + Greek kleptes "thief," from kleptein "to steal, act secretly," from PIE *klep- "to steal," an extention of root *kel- (2) "to cover, conceal" (see cell; cognate with Latin clepere "to steal, listen secretly to," Old Prussian au-klipts "hidden," Old Church Slavonic poklopu "cover, wrapping," Gothic hlifan "to steal," hliftus "thief"). Much-derided 19c. as a fancy term for old-fashioned thievery and an opportunity for the privileged to claim a psychological motive for criminal misbehavior.
There is a popular belief that some of the criminal laws under which the poor are rigorously punished are susceptible of remarkable elasticity when the peccadilloes of the rich are brought under judgment, and that there is some truth in the old adage which declares that "one man may steal a horse where another dare not look over the hedge." This unwholesome distrust is not likely to diminish if, in cases of criminal prosecutions where so-called respectable persons commit theft without sufficiently obvious motive for the act, they have their crime extenuated on the plea of kleptomania, as has recently occurred in several notable instances. ["Kleptomania," "The Lancet," Nov. 16, 1861]
kleptomaniac (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1861; see kleptomania.
klezmer (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 19c. (plural klezmorim); originally, "an itinerant East European Jewish professional musician," from Hebrew kley zemer, literally "vessels of song," thus "musical instruments."