quword 趣词
Word Origins Dictionary
- king (n.)[king 词源字典]
- Old English cyning "king, ruler," from Proto-Germanic *kuningaz (cognates: Dutch koning, Old Norse konungr, Danish konge, Old Saxon and Old High German kuning, Middle High German künic, German König). Possibly related to Old English cynn "family, race" (see kin), making a king originally a "leader of the people;" or from a related root suggesting "noble birth," making a king originally "one who descended from noble birth." The sociological and ideological implications render this a topic of much debate.
Finnish kuningas "king," Old Church Slavonic kunegu "prince" (Russian knyaz, Bohemian knez), Lithuanian kunigas "clergyman" are loans from Germanic.
As leon is the king of bestes. [John Gower, "Confessio Amantis," 1390]
In Old English, used for names of chiefs of Anglian and Saxon tribes or clans, then of the states they founded. Also extended to British and Danish chiefs they fought. The chess piece so called from early 15c.; the playing card from 1560s; use in checkers/draughts first recorded 1820. Applied in nature to species deemed remarkably big or dominant (such as king crab, 1690s). In marketing, king-size is from 1939, originally of cigarettes.
[I]t was [Eugene] Field who haunted the declining years of Creston Clarke with his review of that actor's Lear. ... Said he, "Mr. Clarke played the King all the evening as though under constant fear that someone else was about to play the Ace." ["Theatre Magazine," January 1922]
[king etymology, king origin, 英语词源] - King Kong
- U.S. film released 1933.
- king's evil (n.)
- "scrofula," late 14c., translates Medieval Latin regius morbus; so called because the kings of England and France claimed to heal it by their touch. In England, the custom dates from Edward the Confessor and was continued through the Stuarts (Charles II touched 90,798 sufferers) but was ended by the Hanoverians (1714).
- kingdom (n.)
- Old English cyningdom; see king + -dom. Cognate with Old Saxon kuningdom, Middle Dutch koninghdom, Old Norse konungdomr. The usual Old English word was cynedom; Middle English also had kingrick (for second element, see Reichstag). Meaning "one of the realms of nature" is from 1690s. Kingdom-come "the next world" (1785) is from the Lord's Prayer.
- kingfisher (n.)
- mid-15c., originally king's fisher, for obscure reasons; see king + fisher.
- kingmaker (n.)
- also king-maker, 1590s, originally in reference to the 15c. Earl of Warwick.
- kingpin (n.)
- also king-pin, 1801 as the name of the large pin in the game of kayles (similar to bowls except a club or stick was thrown instead of a ball; see "Games, Gaming and Gamesters' Laws," Frederick Brandt, London, 1871), from king with a sense of "chief" + pin (n.). The modern use is mainly figurative and is perhaps from the word's use as another name for the king-bolt (itself from 1825) in a machinery, though the figurative use is attested earlier (1867) than the literal.
- Kings
- biblical book, late 14c., so called because it tells the history of the kings of Judah and Israel.
- kingship (n.)
- early 14c., from king + -ship.
- kink (n.)
- 1670s, a nautical term, from Dutch kink "twist in a rope" (also found in French and Swedish), probably related to Old Norse kikna "to bend backwards, sink at the knee" (see kick). Figurative sense of "odd notion, mental twist" first recorded in American English, 1803, in writings of Thomas Jefferson. As a verb, 1690s, from the noun.
- kinkajou (n.)
- 1796, from French (1670s), from an Algonquian word.
- kinky (adj.)
- 1844, "full of kinks, twisted, curly," from kink + -y (2). Meaning "odd, eccentric, crotchety" is from 1859; that of "sexually perverted" is from 1959. Related: Kinkiness.
- kino-
- before vowels, kin-, word-forming element meaning "motion," from Greek kino-, from kinein "to move" (see cite).
- kinship (n.)
- by 1764, from kin + -ship. A more pure word than relationship, which covers the same sense but is a hybrid.
- kinsman (n.)
- c. 1200, kenesmen, from late Old English cynnes mannum; see kin + man. Kinswoman is recorded from c. 1400.
- kiosk (n.)
- 1620s, "open pavilion," from French kiosque (17c.), from Turkish koshk, kiöshk "pavilion, palace," from Persian kushk "palace, portico." Later of newsstands (1865). Modern sense influenced by British telephone kiosk (1928).
- kipper (n.)
- Old English cypera "male salmon," perhaps related to coper "reddish-brown metal" (see copper), on resemblance of color. Another theory connects it to kip, name for the sharp, hooked lower jaw of the male salmon in breeding season, from Middle English kippen "to snatch, tug, pull." The modern word usually refers to kippered herring, from a verb meaning "to cure a fish by cleaning, salting, and spicing it" (early 14c.). The theory is that this originally was done to salmon, hence the name.
- kir (n.)
- "white wine and crème de cassis," 1966 (popular in U.S. 1980s), from Canon Felix Kir (1876-1968), mayor of Dijon, who is said to have invented the recipe.
- Kiribati
- island nation in the Pacific, formerly Gilbert Islands and named for Capt. Thomas Gilbert, who arrived there 1788 after helping transport the first shipload of convicts to Australia. At independence in 1979 it took the current name, which represents the local pronunciation of Gilbert. Christmas Island, named for the date it was discovered by Europeans, is in the chain and now goes by Kiritimati, likewise a local pronunciation of the English name.
- kirk (n.)
- c. 1200, northern England and Scottish dialectal form of church, from a Scandinavian source such as Old Norse kirkja "church," from Old English cirice (see church).