词根:arch, archy = government, to rule统治
词根arch 来自希腊语的arkhos,一般构成名词,亦可以当词根讲 意为government,to rule。arch 还有chief,first,old的含义。它们属于一对同源异形根,在派生词中,arch 常指统治的人物,作 ruler 统治者讲;而 archy 常指统治这一行为、方式,作rule 管理/管辖/统治或 government 政体讲。同义词根有来自希腊语的cracy/crat 和来自拉丁语的reg。
1. anarchy (无政府状态an(=not,without) + arch(=government))
anarchism n.无政府主义
anarchist n.无政府主义者
Without a federal government a nation devolves into anarchy. 若没有联邦政府,国家就会陷入无政府状态。
2. autarchy
n.独裁,专制 *aut<auto(=self),arch(=rule)
3. autarky
n.国家经济的自给自足 *aut<auto(=self),ark<arch(=rule)
4. diarchy
n.两头政治 *di(=two),arch(=rule)
5. matriarch
n.女家长,女族长;女统治者;女负责人世间 *matri(=mother),arch(=rule)
matriarchy n.母系氏族制
matriarchal adj.母系氏族制的
6. monarchy
n.君主政治,君主制;君主国 *mon<mono(=one),arch(=rule)
monarchism n.君主制,君主主义
monarchist n.君主主义者
absolute /despotic monarchy 专制君主制
constitutional /limited monarchy 君主立宪制(政体)
7. monarch
n.君主 *mon<mono(=one),arch(=rule)
monarchic adj.君主的,君主政体的
8. oligarchy
n.寡头政治(<-->polyarchy 多头政治);寡头政治的国家 *olig(=few),arch(=rule)
oligarch n.寡头统治集团成员
9. patriarch
n.家长,族长;元老,长老;最年长者 *patri(=father),arch(=rule)
patriarchy n.父权制
partiarchal adj.家长的,族长的;德高望重的
10. archangel
n.大天使 *arch (=chief)
11. archbishop
n.大主教,主教长 *arch(=chief)
archbishopric n.大主教的职务、辖区、管辖区
12. archdeacon
n.英国国教的会吏总 *arch(=chief)
archdeaconry n.会吏总的职位、住宅
13. archdiocese
14. archenemy
n.不共戴天的敌人,主要敌人 *arch(=chief)
15. archetype
n.原型 *arch(=chief)
archetypal n.原型
16. archipelago
n.群岛;有很多岛屿的海;(the A ~)爱琴海 *arch(=chief),pelago(=sea)
17. architect
n.设计师;建筑师;<喻>缔造者 *arch(=chief),tect(=build,carpenter)
naval architect 造船工程师
the (Great) Architect 造物主
the architect of one's own fortunes 自我命运的创造者
18. architecture
n.建筑术;建筑学;建筑风格;结构,构造 *arch(=chief),tect(=build,carpenter)
Romanesque architecture 罗马式的建筑风格
architecture of a novel 小说的结构
19. architectural
adj.建筑学的;建筑术的;建筑的 *arch(=chief),tect(=build,carpenter)
the architectural beauties of a city 城市的建筑美
architectural engineer 建筑工程师
20. archaeology
n.考古学 *arch(=old),ology(=science)
archaeological adj.考古学的
archaeologist n.考古学者
21. archaic
adj.古老的;古式的;古体的 *arch(=old)
22. archives
n.(pl.)档案室,案卷保管处;档案 *arch(=old)
archivist n.档案保管员
词根:pot(pow, poss) = powerful, capable of
来自拉丁语的pot 意为powerful,capable of,它的变形有pow,poss等
1. empower(使强有力em<en(make) + pow<pot(=powerful))
vt. 授权
empowerment n.授权
The feminist movement empowered millions of women in america. 美国的女权运动赋予数百万女性以权力。
2. omnipotent(能够做所有的事的omni(=all) + pot(=capable of ,powerful))
omnipotence n.全能
In the face of evil,many wonder if god is omnipotent. 在面对罪恶时,很多人怀疑上帝是否无所不能的。
3. potent(拥有力量的pot(=powerful))
potency n.力量;势力,权势;效能,效力;性交能力
potentate n.当权者,有权势的人;君主
A manta ray's tail contains a potent poison that causes a painful sting. 蝠鲼尾部含有一种能够吸引起剧烈疼痛的剧毒。
4. despot
n.专制君主;独裁者;暴君 *des(=ligament)
despotic adj.专制的;独裁的;暴虐的
despotism n.独裁;专制(政治);专制国家
5. impotent
adj.无能为力的; 无力的,无力量的;(男性)阳痿的 *im<in(=not)
6. impotence
n.无能为力;无力;虚弱;阳痿 *im<in(=not)
7. potentate
n.有权势者,当权者;君主,统治者 *ate(=person who)
8. potential
adj.潜在的,可能的 n.潜在事物;潜力;可能性
potentially adv. 潜在地
potentially rich country 有潜力的富庶国
potential wealth/resources 潜在财富/潜在资源
potential customer 有可能成为主顾的人,潜在顾客
potential adversary 潜在的对手,假想敌
9. potentiallty
country with great potentialities 具有巨大发展潜力的国家
10. possibillity
n.可能(性);可能发生的事 *poss<pot(=capable of )
词根:light = light
1. enlightened(给光的en(=give) + light(=light))
enlighten v.启蒙,使摆脱偏见(或迷信)
enlightenment n.启蒙,教化
My parents are fairly enlightened for country people. 作为下乡人,我父母算是相当开通了。
2. searchlight
3. spotlight
n.聚光灯;(the~)公众的关注 v.聚光照明;使突出醒目
come into the spotlight 吸引众人的关注
4. light
light bulb 电灯泡
All the lights went out——there was a power failure. 所有的灯都灭了——停电了。
Can you give me a light,please?能借个火吗?
strike a light 开灯
Light come,light go.来得容易易去得快。
5. lighten
lighten the darkness of the cellar 照亮黑暗的地下室
lighten a ship's cargo/taxes 减轻船上的货物/降低税收
6. lightning
like lightning 闪电般地
lightning strike /operation 闪电式的罢工/工作
lightning beetle (bug)萤火虫
lightning war 闪电战
7. lighter
n.打火机;点火器;点火者;驳船 v.用驳船运送(货物)
snap on a lighter 点着打火机
lighterage n.驳运费
tug with a string of lighters behind it 后面拖着一长串驳船
8. lighthouse
lighthouse keeper 灯塔看守人
9. lightly
push lightly 轻轻地推
lightly friend fish 稍微用油炸过的鱼
10. lights
11. lightsome
词根:macul = stain, spot
来自拉丁语的macul 意为stain,spot。
1. immaculate(没有瑕疵、污点 im<in(=not) + macul(stain,spot))
My mother's kitchen was so immaculate you could serve a meal on the floor.我妈妈的厨房干净得可以让你在地上就餐。
2. macula
词根:the-, theo- = god 表示“神”
theism n. 有神论(the+ism主义,论)
atheism n. 无神论(a无+theism)
theology n. 神学(theo+logy学科)
theologian n. 神学家(theo+log研究+ian)
pantheist n. 泛神论者(pan泛+the+ist人)
theocracy n. 神权政治(theo+cracy统治)
spotheosis n. 神化(apo离开+theo+sis→离开人变成神→神化)
pantheon n. 开神殿(pan泛,全部+theon→全部神在一起→万神殿)
enthusiasm n. 热情(en进入+thus[theo神]+iasm状态→进入神的状态→热情)
前缀:para- ②防、避开、保护
parachute 降落伞,用降落伞降落(chute=fall,“保护降落”之意)
parasol 遮阳伞(sol=sun,“防止日晒”之意)
parabomb 伞投炸弹
paradog 伞降犬,空投犬
paratroops 伞兵
parapack 空投包裹
paraoperation 伞兵战
pararescue 伞投人员进行的求援
paramedic 伞兵军医
parakite 飞行降落伞
parashoot 射击敌人伞兵
paraglider 滑翔降落伞
paraspotter 守望伞兵者
parawing 翼状降落伞
词根词缀:macul-, maculat-
【来源及含义】Latin: spot, mark, stain, blot, blemish, mesh; the original meaning of macula seems to have been, "a soiled spot, a spot to be cleaned"
【同源单词】Actitis macularia, immaculate, lepra maculosa, macula, macula cerulea, macula retina
词根词缀:marito-, marit-
【来源及含义】Latin: pertaining to a husband or marriage; used as a prefix
【同源单词】mariticide, maritocratic, maritodespotic, maritodespotism, maritogenous, maritolegic
词根词缀:ocelli-, ocell-
【来源及含义】Latin: "little eye", a diminutive of oculus, "eye"; spotted, dotted; as if with tiny eyes
【相关词根词缀】 Related references to "eye" or "eye part" word families: blepharo-; core-; corneo-; eye, eyes; irido-; lenti-, lens-; lenticulo-; oculo-; op-, -optic; ophthalmo-; phaco-; pupillo-; retino-; uveo-.
【同源单词】biocellate, ocellar, ocellary, ocellate, ocellated turkey, ocellated
词根词缀:poikilo-, poikil-; poecilo-, poecil-
【来源及含义】Greek: varied, irregular, mottled; many-colored, spotted
【相关词根词缀】 Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "another, other, different, alternating, varied, changing": ali-; allo-; alter-; allelo-; hetero-; mut-; reciproc-; vari-.
【同源单词】mixoploid, mixoploidy, osteopoikilosis, Poeciliide, poikilergasia, poikiloblast