词根:lud, lus = to play(游戏, 扮演)
来自拉丁语的luder(=to paly)意为to laugh,to play。
1. allude [对某事发笑al<ad(=to)+lud(=laugh, play)]
vi. to +sth 暗指;间接提到
allusion n.暗指
allusive adj. 暗指的
Her drooping eyes allude to her profound fatigue. 她双眼低垂,说明她非常疲倦。
2. collusion [一起笑col<com(=together)+lus(=laugh, play)]
collude v. 同谋
collusive adj.同谋的
The airlines are sometimes thought to be guilty of collusion in ticket pricing. 有时航空公司会被指责相互串通垄断机票价格。
3. delude [由于可笑而使某人脱离正常状态de(=from)+lud(=laugh,play)]
vt. 欺骗;哄骗;迷惑
delusion n. 迷惑,欺瞒;错觉
deIusive adj. 欺骗的;妄想的
He deludes himself that he is handsome. 他自欺地认为自己长得很帅。
4. elude [笑着从危险状况中摆脱出来e<ex(=out)+lud(=laugh.piay)]
elusive adj.逃避的
elusion n. 回避;选跑
The criminal eluded the cops by stealing a car and driving away. 犯人躲开警察偷了一辆车逃跑了。
5. illusion [头脑对某事物闹着玩il<in(=on)+lus(=laugh,play)]
illusionist n. 魔术师;空想家
illusiva/illusory adj.幻影的;错觉的;迷惑人的
Many old maids hold the illusion of perfect marriage well into their fifties. 许多老处女在五十岁以后仍然幻想着拥有完美的婚姻。
6. ludicrous
adj.滑稽的,可笑的 *lud(=laugh)
7. prelude
n.前奏曲;序幕 v.作为...的前奏(或序幕)*pre(=before),lud(=play)
8. interlude
n.间奏;(话剧或歌剧等的)幕间;穿插事件 *inter(=between),lud(=play)
interludes of bright weather 坏天气中间或有的晴天。
9. postiude
n.后奏曲 *post(=after),lud(=play)
10. disllusion
n.幻灭;觉醒 v.使幻灭;使醒悟(幻想破灭)《dis- = away》
【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: mushrooms or toadstools
【同源单词】agaric, agaric acid, Agaricaceae, Agaricales, agaricin, agaricoid
词根词缀:serico-, seric-, seri-
【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: silk
【相关描述】From Greek, serikos, silken; literally, pertaining to the Seres, the Asian people from whom the Greeks first obtained silk. Don't confuse this seri- with another seri- in "serial" or "series" and serio- in "serious", etc.
【同源单词】holosericeous, sericate, sericeous, sericigenous, sericin, sericipary
词根词缀:sori-; shrew
【来源及含义】Latin: shrew, shrews
【相关描述】In English, the word "shrew" is also used to describe a woman with a violent, scolding, or nagging temperament.
Other related "shrew" units:
Shrews: A Variety of Shrew Species.
Knowledge: Animals,
Elephant Shrews.
【同源单词】Glossophaga soricina, shrew, shrewd, shrewdly, shrewdness, shrewish