词根词缀:rid-, ridi-, risi-
【来源及含义】Latin: to laugh, laugh at; capable of exciting laughter; laughing
【同源单词】deride, derider, deridingly, derision, derisive, derisively
词根词缀:rigi-, rig-
【来源及含义】Latin: stiff, hard, numb; to be frozen, to grow stiff with cold, to be chilled
【同源单词】acid rigor, calcium rigor, catatonic rigidity, cerebellar rigidity, clasp-knife rigidity, cogwheel rigidity
【来源及含义】Latin: crack, chink
【同源单词】rima, rima glottidis, rima oris, rima vestibuli, rimal, rimose
词根词缀:ripari-, ripa-, rip-, riv-
【来源及含义】Latin: ripa, river, stream; bank, river bank, shore
【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "river, stream": amni-; fluvio-; meand-; oceano-; potamo-.
【同源单词】aeroderivative, arrival, arrive, arrived, derivable, derivation
词根词缀:rit-, ritual-
【来源及含义】Latin: ritus, religious observance or ceremony; custom, usage
【同源单词】rite, ritual, ritualism, ritualist, ritualistic, ritualistically
词根词缀:robor-, robust-
【来源及含义】Latin: strengthening; to strengthen, to invigorate; strength
【同源单词】corroborant, corroborate, corroborating, corroboration, corroborative, corroboratively
词根词缀:rod-, ros-
【来源及含义】Latin: gnaw, eat away; eaten away, gnawed off, consumed
【同源单词】corrode, corrodible, corrosion, corrosive, erode, eroded
词根词缀:roentgeno-, roentgen-
【来源及含义】German: radiation, "x-ray"; X-ray; 1896, translation of German X-strahl, from X, "algebraic symbol for an unknown quantity", + Strahl, "beam, ray"
【相关描述】So called after its discoverer, a German physicist, Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen [1845-1923], who discovered roentgen rays [x-rays] in 1895; winner of the Nobel prize in physics in 1901.
【相关词根词缀】 Related "roentgen, x-ray" units: Roentgen Biography; Chemical Element: roentgenium.
【同源单词】bioroentgenography, cineradiograhy, cineroentgenography, fluororoentgenography, kiloroentgen, microroentgen
词根词缀:rog-, roga-, -rogate, -rogation, -rogatory
【来源及含义】Latin: ask, inquire, request, beg; propose
【同源单词】abrogate, abrogation, arrogance, arrogancy, arrogant, arrogantly
【来源及含义】Latin: Rome
【同源单词】Quando hic sum, roam, Roman, Roman Republic, romance, romancer