【来源及含义】Latin: copy, duplicate, repeat, represent
【同源单词】imitate, imitation, imitational, imitative, imitatively, imitativeness
【来源及含义】Latin: unbound, free from, pure; pertaining to protection against or freedom from disease
【同源单词】coctoimmunogen, electroimmunodiffusion, immunodiagnosis, immunohistochemistry, immunology, immunopotence
【来源及含义】Latin: no, not [ig-, il-, im-, ir-]
【相关描述】This in-, "not", becomes i- before gn, as with "ignore"; il- before l, as with illiterate; im- before b, m; and p, as with imbalance, immiscible, impecunious; and ir- before r, as with irrefragable.
Don't confuse this Latin prefix, in-1, meaning "not", with another Latin prefix in-2 meaning "in, into, within, inside, on, toward" or with the prefix for English-origin words in-3 meaning "in, into; within".
【同源单词】ignorance, illiterate, imbalance, immaculate, immature, immovable
【来源及含义】Latin: in, into, within, inside, on, toward [il-, ir-, im-], in, into, etc.: include, incur, invade; also, used intensively, as in the words inflame and inflammable, or without perceptible force.
【相关描述】The in- changes or is assimilated to il- before l, as with "illuminate", to im- before b, as with "imbibe"; before m, as with "immediate"; before p, as with "implant"; and to ir- before r, as with "irrigate".
The form generally remains unassimilated in words formed in English; such as, inbreed.
Don't confuse this in-2, meaning "in, into, within", etc. with the Latin prefix in-1 meaning "not" nor with the prefix for English-origin words in-3 meaning "in, into; within".
【同源单词】illuminate, imbibe, immigrate, import, inaugurate, incalescent
【来源及含义】Old English, Middle English: in, into; within; toward; a prefix used in front of English words, not Latin or Greek elements; as in the words, indoors and inland
【相关描述】Don't confuse this in-3, meaning "in, into; within", with another in-2 Latin prefix meaning "in, into, within, inside, on, toward" or with the Latin prefix in-1 meaning "not".
【同源单词】inarm, inbeing, inboard, inborn, inbound, inbreathe
词根词缀:incret-, increto-
【来源及含义】Latin: internal secretion, especially by the endocrine glands or a gland
【相关词根词缀】Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "internal organs, entrails, inside": ent-; enter-; fistul-; inter-; intra-; splanchn-; viscer-.
【同源单词】incretin, incretion, incretology, incretopathy, incretory, incretory gland
【来源及含义】Latin: belonging to a country; born in a country; native to a geographical area
【同源单词】indigen, indigenization, indigenous, indigenously, indigenousness
【来源及含义】Latin: to be lenient [toward], accede, take pleasure [in]; originally, "to be kind, kindness; to be long-suffering, to be patient"
【同源单词】autoindulgence, indulge, indulged, indulgement, indulgence, indulgenced
【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: a suffix that is used to form hundreds of words that mean: similar to, resembling, like, characterized by, or of the nature of
【相关描述】This element is also utilized to form abstract nouns; feminine common nouns; and it is used in chemistry to form names of alkaloids and bases or names of elements.
【同源单词】absinthine, acanthine, acarine, accipitrine, acephaline, acervuline
词根词缀:infra-, infero-, infer-
【来源及含义】Latin: under, below, beneath
【同源单词】anteroinferior, inferior, inferiority, inferiorly, infernal, infernally