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词根词缀:clast-, clas-, -clastic, -clast, -clase, -clasia, -clasis, -clasis, -clasmic, -clasm

【来源及含义】Greek: break, break in pieces; broken, broken in pieces, crush; bend

【相关词根词缀】 Related break, broken-word units: frag-; rupt-.

【同源单词】aclasia, aclassis, aclastic, anaclastic, anemoclastic, angioclast

词根词缀:clathr-, clathro-

【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: bars, lattice, grate; used in the sense of "lattice[d], latticelike"

【同源单词】clathrate, clathrate hydrate, clathrose

词根词缀:claudica-, claudic-, claud-

【来源及含义】Latin: lame, lameness, a limping; gait impaired [walking disability]; walking with uneven steps

【同源单词】claudicant, claudicate, claudication, claudicatory, intermittent claudication, intermittent claudication of the cauda equina

词根词缀:claustro-, claustr-

【来源及含义】Latin: lock, barrier; to close, to shut; a confined space

【同源单词】claustral, claustrophial, claustrophile, claustrophilia, claustrophilic, claustrophobia

词根词缀:clavi-, clav-

【来源及含义】Latin: key; to enclose, to comprise, to include; to fit together, or to work together; pertaining to the collarbone [so named because of its keylike shape]

【同源单词】autoclave, autoclaver, clavelization, claviature, clavichord, clavicle

词根词缀:clavi-, clav-

【来源及含义】Latin: knotty stick, club

【同源单词】clava, clavate, clavicorn, claviform, claviformed, clavola


【来源及含义】Latin: small, insignificant

【同源单词】appendicle, arbuscle, auricle, canticle, carbuncle, caulicle

词根词缀:-cle, -cul

【来源及含义】Latin: result of the act of, means of

词根词缀:cleido-, cleid-, clido-, clid-

【来源及含义】Greek: key; a means of locking or a thing that locks [or unlocks] a door; a key, bar, or hook; a combining form that denotes the clavicle or collarbone

【同源单词】cleidal, cleidarthritis, cleidocostal, cleidocranial, cleidohumeral, cleidohyoid

词根词缀:cleisto-, cleist-, clisto-, clist-, cli-, clei-

【来源及含义】Greek: closed, shut

【同源单词】acleistocardia, cleistocarp, cleistocarpous, cleistogamic, cleistogamous, cleistogamy