goadyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[goad 词源字典]
goad: [OE] Goad comes via prehistoric Germanic *gaidō from an Indo-European base *ghai-. This also produced an Old English word for ‘spear’, gār, which survives today in garlic [OE], etymologically ‘spear leek’.
=> garlic[goad etymology, goad origin, 英语词源]
goad (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
Old English gad "point, spearhead, arrowhead, pointed stick used for driving cattle," from Proto-Germanic *gaido "goad, spear" (cognates: Lombardic gaida "spear"), from suffixed form of PIE root *ghei- (1) "to propel, prick" (cognates: Sanskrit hetih "missile, projectile," himsati "he injures;" Avestan zaena- "weapon;" Greek khaios "shepherd's staff;" Old English gar "spear;" Old Irish gae "spear"). Figurative use "anything that urges or stimulates" is since 16c., probably from the Bible.
goad (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1570s, from goad (n.); earliest use is figurative, "incite, stimulate, instigate." Literal use by 1610s. Related: Goaded; goading.