accurateyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[accurate 词源字典]
accurate: [16] ‘Accuracy’ is connected with ‘curing’, in the sense not of ‘making better’ but of ‘looking after’ – as in ‘the cure of souls’. The adjective comes from Latin accūrātus ‘done carefully’, which in turn derived from a verb (cūrāre ‘care for’) formed from the noun cūra ‘care’ (other English words from this source are curate, curious, procure, and secure). The notion of doing something carefully led on naturally to the notion of exactness.
=> curate, curious, procure, secure[accurate etymology, accurate origin, 英语词源]
accurate (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1610s, "done with care," from Latin accuratus "prepared with care, exact, elaborate," past participle of accurare "take care of," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + curare "take care of" (see cure (n.1)). The notion of doing something carefully led to that of being exact (1650s). Related: Accurately; accurateness.