veritable (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[veritable 词源字典]
early 15c., from Anglo-French and Old French veritable "true, real, truthful, valid (in law)," from verité (see verity) + -able. Probably lost mid-17c. and reborrowed or revived after 1830. Related: Veritably.[veritable etymology, veritable origin, 英语词源]
veritas (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
Latin, literally "truth, truthfulness," from verus "true" (see very). Latin phrase in vino veritas is attributed to Pliny the Elder, though there is a Greek version of it.
verity (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., from Anglo-French and Old French verite "truth, sincerity, loyalty" (12c.), from Latin veritatem (nominative veritas) "truth, truthfulness," from verus "true" (see very). Modern French vérité, literally "truth," was borrowed into English 1966 as a term for naturalism or realism in film, etc.
vermeil (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"bright-red," late 14c., from Anglo-French and Old French vermail, vermeil "bright-red, scarlet, crimson" (11c. in Old French), from Late Latin vermiculus "a little worm," specifically, the cochineal insect from which crimson dyes were obtained (compare kermes), in classical Latin, "larva of an insect, grub, maggot," diminutive of vermis "worm" (see worm (n.)). As a noun in English from 1590s.
vermicelli (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
kind of pasta, 1660s, literally "little worms," from Italian vermicelli, plural of vermicello, diminutive of verme, accusative singular of Latin vermis "worm" (see worm (n.)). So called for resemblance.
vermicular (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1650s, from Medieval Latin vermicularis, from Latin vermiculus "little worm," from vermis (see worm (n.)).
vermiculation (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1610s, from Latin vermiculationem (nominative vermiculatio), noun of action from vermiculari, from vermiculus (see vermicular).
vermiculite (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
micaceous mineral, 1814, from Latin vermiculari (from vermiculus, diminutive of vermis; see worm (n.)) + -ite. So called from its reaction when heated.
vermiform (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"worm-shaped, worm-like in form," 1730, from Modern Latin vermiformis, from Latin vermis "worm" (see worm (n.)) + forma "form" (see form (n.)).
vermilion (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 13c., "cinnabar, red dye," from Anglo-French and Old French vermeillon "red lead, cinnabar, (cosmetic) rouge" (12c.), from vermeil (see vermeil). As an adjective, from 1580s.
vermin (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
c. 1300, "noxious animals," from Anglo-French and Old French vermin "moth, worm, mite," in plural "troublesome creatures" (12c.), from Vulgar Latin *verminum "vermin," possibly including bothersome insects, collective noun formed from Latin vermis "worm" (see worm (n.)). Extended to "low, obnoxious people" by 1560s.
verminous (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1610s, from vermin + -ous or else from Latin verminosus.
U.S. state, 1777, based on French words for "Green Mountain," but perhaps was formed by one with limited knowledge of French, where the correct form would be Mont Vert (as in the village of Pont-de-Montvert). Related: Vermonter.
vermouth (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
white wine flavored with aromatic herbs, 1806, from French vermouth (18c.), from German Wermuth "wormwood," from Middle High German wermuot, from Old High German wermuota (see wormwood), name of the aromatic herb formerly used in the flavoring of the liqueur.
vernacular (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
c. 1600, "native to a country," from Latin vernaculus "domestic, native, indigenous; pertaining to home-born slaves," from verna "home-born slave, native," a word of Etruscan origin. Used in English in the sense of Latin vernacula vocabula, in reference to language. As a noun, "native speech or language of a place," from 1706.
For human speech is after all a democratic product, the creation, not of scholars and grammarians, but of unschooled and unlettered people. Scholars and men of education may cultivate and enrich it, and make it flower into the beauty of a literary language; but its rarest blooms are grafted on a wild stock, and its roots are deep-buried in the common soil. [Logan Pearsall Smith, "Words and Idioms," 1925]
vernal (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"pertaining to spring," 1530s, from Late Latin vernalis "of the spring," from vernus "of spring," from Latin ver "the spring, spring-time," from PIE *wesr- "the spring" (cognates: Old Norse var "spring," Greek ear, Armenian gar-un, Sanskrit vasantah, Persian bahar, Old Church Slavonic vesna "spring," Lithuanian vasara "summer").
vernier (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
device for making precise measurements, 1766, from name of inventor, French mathematician Pierre Vernier (1580-1637), who described it in 1631.
city in northern Italy, Celtic Vernomago, from verno "elder tree" + mago "field, place." Related: Veronese.
fem. proper name, French Veronique, a variant of Greek Berenike (see Berenice). The popular "Saint Veronica" (not in the Roman Martyrology) traditionally was a pious woman who wiped the face of Christ when he fell carrying the cross to Calvary. The image of his face remained on the cloth, and the "veil of Veronica" has been preserved in Rome from the 8c. Her popularity rose with the propagation of the Stations of the Cross, and this connection led to the folk-etymology derivation of the name from Latin vera "true" + Greek eikon "image." Some also identified her with the woman with the issue of blood, cured by Christ, as in the East this woman was identified from an early date by the name Berenike. Hence vernicle (mid-14c.) "picture of the face of Christ," from Old French veronicle, variant of veronique "St. Veronica's cloth."
verruca (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1560s, from Latin verruca "a wart," also "a fault, failing" (see vary). Related: Verrucose.