quword 趣词
Word Origins Dictionary
- incompletely (adv.)[incompletely 词源字典]
- early 15c., from incomplete + -ly (2).[incompletely etymology, incompletely origin, 英语词源]
- incompleteness (n.)
- 1640s; from incomplete + -ness.
- incompletion (n.)
- 1804, noun of action from incomplete.
- incomprehensibility (n.)
- 1640s, from French incompréhensibilité (16c.); see incomprehensible.
- incomprehensible (adj.)
- mid-14c., from Latin incomprehensibilis, from in- "not" (see in- (1)) + comprehensibilis (see comprehensible).
- incomprehensibly (adv.)
- early 15c., from incomprehensible + -ly (2).
- incomprehension (n.)
- c. 1600, from in- (1) "not" + comprehension.
- incomprehensive (adj.)
- 1650s, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + comprehensive.
- inconceivable (adj.)
- 1630s, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + conceivable. Related: Inconcievably. An Old English word for this was unasmeagendlic.
- inconclusive (adj.)
- 1680s (implied in inconclusiveness), from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + conclusive. Related: Inconclusively.
- inconducive (adj.)
- 1848, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + conducive.
- incongruence (n.)
- c. 1600, from Late Latin incongruentia "incongruity," from incongruentem (nominative incongruens) "incongruous, inconsistent," from in- "not" (see in- (1)) + congruens (see congruent).
- incongruency (n.)
- c. 1600, from incongruent + -cy.
- incongruent (adj.)
- mid-15c., from Latin incongruentem (nominative incongruens), from in- "not" (see in- (1)) + congruens (see congruent). Related: Incongruently.
- incongruity (n.)
- 1530s, from French incongruité or directly from Medieval Latin incongruitas, from Latin in- "not" (see in- (1)) + congruitas (see congruity).
- incongruous (adj.)
- 1610s, from Latin incongruus "incongruous," from in- "not, opposite of, without" (see in- (1)) + congruus "fit, suitable" (see congruent). Related: Incongruously.
- inconsequence (n.)
- 1580s, from Latin inconsequentia, from inconsequens (see inconsequent).
- inconsequent (adj.)
- 1570s, "not following as a logical conclusion," from Latin inconsequentem (nominative inconsequens) "not logically connected," from in- "not, opposite of, without" (see in- (1)) + consequens, past participle of consequi "to follow" (see consequence).
- inconsequential (adj.)
- "characterized by inconsequence," 1620s; "not worth noticing," 1782; see inconsequent + -al (1). Related: Inconsequentially.
- inconsiderable (adj.)
- 1590s, from French inconsidérable (16c.), from in- "not" (see in- (1)) + considérable (see considerable). Related: Inconsiderably.