molassesyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[molasses 词源字典]
molasses: [16] The etymological connections of molasses are with ‘honey’ rather than ‘sugar’. It comes via Portuguese melaço from late Latin mellāceum ‘fermenting grape juice, new wine’. This was a derivative of mel ‘honey’, source of English mellifluous [15] and related to mildew.
=> mellifluous, mildew[molasses etymology, molasses origin, 英语词源]
molasses (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1580s, from Portuguese melaço, from Late Latin mellaceum "new wine," properly neuter of mellaceus "resembling honey," from Latin mel (genitive mellis) "honey" (see Melissa). Adopted in English in plural form, but regarded as a singular noun.