quword 趣词
Word Origins Dictionary
- eddy (v.)

[eddy 词源字典] - 1730 (transitive); 1810 (intrans.), from eddy (n.). Related: Eddied; eddying.[eddy etymology, eddy origin, 英语词源]
- edelweiss (n.)

- 1862, from German Edelweiß, literally "noble white," from Old High German edili "noble" (see atheling) + German weiss "white" (see white).
- edema (n.)

- c. 1400, from medical Latin, from Greek oidema (genitive oidematos) "a swelling tumor," from oidein "to swell," from oidos "tumor, swelling," from PIE *oid- "to swell" (cognates: Latin aemidus "swelling," Armenian aitumn "a swelling," Old Norse eista "testicle," Old English attor "poison" (that which makes the body swell), and the first element in Oedipus).
- Eden (n.)

- early 13c., "delightful place," figurative use of the place described in Genesis, usually referred to Hebrew edhen "pleasure, delight," but perhaps from Ugaritic base 'dn and meaning "a place that is well-watered throughout" (see also Aden). Related: Edenic.
- Edgar

- masc. proper name, from Old English Ead-gar, literally "prosperity-spear," from ead "prosperity" (see Edith) + gar "spear" (see gar).
- edge (n.)

- Old English ecg "corner, edge, point," also "sword" (also found in ecgplega, literally "edge play," ecghete, literally "edge hate," both used poetically for "battle"), from Proto-Germanic *agjo (cognates: Old Frisian egg "edge;" Old Saxon eggia "point, edge;" Middle Dutch egghe, Dutch eg; Old Norse egg, see egg (v.); Old High German ecka, German Eck "corner"), from PIE root *ak- "sharp, pointed" (cognates: Sanskrit asrih "edge," Latin acies, Greek akis "point;" see acrid).
Spelling development of Old English -cg to Middle English -gg to Modern English -dge represents a widespread shift in pronunciation. To get the edge on (someone) is U.S. colloquial, first recorded 1911. Edge city is from Joel Garreau's 1992 book of that name. Razor's edge as a perilous narrow path translates Greek epi xyrou akmes. To be on edge "excited or irritable" is from 1872; to have (one's) teeth on edge is from late 14c., though "It is not quite clear what is the precise notion originally expressed in this phrase" [OED].
- edge (v.)

- late 13c., "to give an edge to" (implied in past participle egged), from edge (n.). Intransitive meaning "to move edgeways (with the edge toward the spectator), advance slowly" is from 1620s, originally nautical. Meaning "to defeat by a narrow margin" is from 1953. The meaning "urge on, incite" (16c.) often must be a mistake for egg (v.). Related: Edger.
- edged (adj.)

- 1590s, "having a sharp edge;" 1690s, "having a hem or border," past participle adjective from edge (v.).
- edgeways (adv.)

- also edge-ways, "with the edge turned forward or toward a particular point," 1560s, from edge (n.) + way (n.). First attested form of the word is edgewaie; the adverbial genitive -s appears by 1640s. Edgewise (1715) appears to be a variant, based on otherwise, etc. See edge (v.).
As if it were possible for any of us to slide in a word edgewise! [Mary Mitford, "Our Village," 1824].
To edge in a word in this sense is from 1680s. - edgewise

- see edgeways.
- edging (n.)

- 1570s, "the putting of a border," verbal noun from edge (v.). Meaning "a border, that which is added to form an edge" is from 1660s; that of "the trimming of lawn edges" is from 1858.
- edgy (adj.)

- "having sharp edges," 1755, from edge (n.) + -y (2). Meaning "tense and irritable" is attested by 1837, perhaps from notion of being on the edge, at the point of doing something irrational (a figurative use attested from c. 1600). Related: Edgily; edginess.
- edibility (n.)

- 1823, from edible + -ity.
- edible (adj.)

- 1590s, from Late Latin edibilis "eatable," from Latin edere "to eat," from PIE root *ed- "to eat" (cognates: Sanskrit admi "I eat;" Greek edo "I eat;" Lithuanian edu "I eat;" Hittite edmi "I eat," adanna "food;" Old Irish ithim "I eat;" Gothic itan, Old Swedish and Old English etan, Old High German essan "to eat;"
Avestan ad- "to eat;" Armenian utem "I eat;" Old Church Slavonic jasti "to eat," Russian jest "to eat").
- edict (n.)

- late 15c., edycte; earlier edit (late 13c.), "proclamation having the force of law," from Old French edit, from Latin edictum "proclamation, ordinance, edict," neuter past participle of edicere "publish, proclaim," from e- "out" (see ex-) + dicere "to say" (see diction). Related: Edictal.
- edification (n.)

- mid-14c., in religious use, "a building up of the soul," from Old French edificacion "a building, construction; edification, good example," and directly from Latin aedificationem (nominative aedificatio) "construction, the process of building; a building, an edifice," in Late Latin "spiritual improvement," from past participle stem of aedificare "to build" (see edifice). Religious use is as translation of Greek oikodome in I Cor. xiv. Meaning "mental improvement" is 1650s. Literal sense of "building" is rare in English.
- edifice (n.)

- late 14c., from Old French edifice "building" (12c.), from Latin aedificium "building," from aedificare "to erect a building," from aedis, variant of aedes "temple, sanctuary," usually a single edifice without partitions, also, in the plural, "dwelling house, building," originally "a place with a hearth" + the root of facere "to make" (see factitious).
Aedis is from PIE *aidh- "to burn" (cognates: Greek aithein "to burn," Sanskrit inddhe "burst into flames," Old Irish aed "fire," Welsh aidd "heat, zeal," Old High German eit "funeral pile"), from root *ai- (2) "to burn" (see ash (n.1)). - edify (v.)

- mid-14c., "to build, construct," also, in figurative use, "to build up morally or in faith," from Old French edefiier (12c., Modern French édifier) "build; install; teach, instruct (morally)," from Latin aedificare "to build, construct," in Late Latin "improve spiritually, instruct" (see edifice). Related: Edified; edifying.
- Edinburgh

- older than King Edwin of Northumbria (who often is credited as the source of the name); originally Din Eidyn, Celtic, perhaps literally "fort on a slope." Later the first element was trimmed off and Old English burh "fort" added in its place." Dunedin in New Zealand represents an attempt at the original form.
- edit (v.)

- 1791, "to publish," perhaps a back-formation from editor, or from French éditer (itself a back-formation from édition) or from Latin editus, past participle of edere "give out, put out, publish" (see edition). Meaning "to supervise for publication" is from 1793. Meaning "make revisions to a manuscript, etc.," is from 1885. Related: Edited; editing. As a noun, by 1960, "an act of editing."