1. Poor old Willy is an incurable romantic. 可怜的老威利是个无可救药的浪漫主义者。 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
2. Willy asks if I've ever flown a kite before. 威利问我以前是否放过风筝。 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
3. I kept thinking of how Jerry would on occasion tease George by calling him "Biff," a reference to the son of the failed salesman Willy Loman. 我一直在思考为什么杰里有时取笑乔治,称呼他为“比夫”,这是那个失败的推销员威利·洛曼的儿子的名字。 来自互联网
4. In Herzau's own home, there was more ironic example when his young son's pet mouse Willy died recently, it was accorded a tearful ceremonial burial in garden. 在Herzau自己的家里,有一个更具讽刺意味的例子,他年幼的儿子的宠物老鼠Willy最近死了,他们泪流满面地在花园里为它举行了一个葬礼。 来自互联网
5. Clerks bundled papers into files willy -nilly. 文书们将文件随意塞进文件夹里。 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
6. Willy Brandt made history by visiting East Germany in 1970. 威利·勃兰特1970年对东德的访问创造了历史。 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
7. She was forced willy -nilly to accept the company's proposals. 她被迫无奈接受了公司的提议。 《牛津词典》
8. These men who were thrown together willy -nilly by the Army had nothing in common. 这些无可奈何被军方强凑在一起的男人之间没有任何共同之处。 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
9. Willy Lin has cut back on free drumsticks in the canteen of his Jiangxi clothing factory as meat and vegetables grow dear. 由于肉价和菜价的不断攀升,林威利削减了他的江西服装厂食堂里的免费鸡腿。 来自互联网
10. Willy -nilly, no-schema, non-organized data is a recipe for disaster! 杂乱无章、无模式、无组织的数据是造成灾难的因素! 来自互联网
11. Look, Willy , Kitty's got claws. 瞧,威利,小猫还有爪子哩。 来自互联网
12. Willy : But it's brand new. 维利:可是,这是全新的。(姚译)。 来自互联网
13. But Willy Wonka did it. 但是威利·旺卡做到了。 来自互联网
14. Or work at Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory? 或者在韦利·旺卡的巧克力工厂获得一份令人羡慕的工作? 来自互联网
15. Keiko, captive whale, star of the movie Free willy . 电影《威鲸闯天关》的明星,圈养鲸鱼惠子。 来自互联网
16. Willy , I don't think we have much butter.Can you buy some? 威利,我们的黄油不多了,你能去买点吗? 来自互联网
17. Has our view of failure softened since Willy Loman's day? 莫非我们对失败的见解较之威利那会宽松了? 来自互联网
18. Listing 3: Find all hosts files and change "wonka" to "willy ". 清单3:查找所有host文件并将“wonka ”改成“willy ”。 来自互联网
19. Think of poor Willy Loman. Today his grandchildren might be proud. 想想可怜的威利,今天他的孙子或许会感到自豪了。 来自互联网
20. Do you endure weeks of screaming while your child is lashed willy -nilly to his cot? 当你的孩子专横地挥打自己的儿童床惊声尖叫的时候,你会连续几个星期忍气吞声吗? 来自互联网
21. Heed my words here: Willy -nilly, no-schema, non-organized data is a recipe for disaster! 请注意我这里的一句话:杂乱无章、无模式、无组织的数据是造成灾难的因素! 来自互联网
22. The group eventually took Cujo/Willy to a nursing home in Clayton, to serve as a pet for residents. 该组织最后将库乔送进了位于克莱顿市的一家养老院内,他们打算让其以宠物的身份陪伴住在那里的老人们。 怎奈天不遂人愿?? 来自互联网
23. So, whenever something goes wrong, we'll just blame Willy and quickly get on with fixing the problem. 所以,无论何时出现了问题,我们都不要抱怨任何人,要赶快着手修正问题。 来自互联网
24. A savvy Willy Loman in a sharp suit, this man will assume his cynicism is armour enough against the unknown. 他是一个身着笔挺西装的精明版威利·罗曼(著名悲剧《推销员之死》中的男主角),觉着自己的玩世不恭足可以抵御一切未知的伤害。 来自互联网
25. We’ve spent more than 60 years dissecting Willy Loman, the character artfully sketched by Arthur Miller in Death of a Salesman. 60多年来我们都在剖析威利·洛曼(WillyLoman)这个阿瑟·米勒(Arthur Miller)在《推销员之死》里细致刻画的人物。 来自互联网
26. Registration plates are picked willy -nilly from a directory and announced on television – and a special restriction hotline. 随机选号的结果在电视和热线电话上公布。 来自互联网
27. Willy Ley was the Carl Sagan of his day, tirelessly popularizing space exploration and bringing his vision to the public at large. 威利·雷就像是那个年代的卡尔·萨根(1934 - 1996美国天文学家、科普作家),他总在孜孜不倦地宣传太空探索,把他的想象详尽地告诉大众。 来自互联网
28. Willy Ley was the Carl Sagan of his day, tirelessly popularizing space exploration and bringing his vision to the public at large. 威利·雷就像是那个年代的卡尔·萨根(1934 - 1996美国天文学家、科普作家),他总在孜孜不倦地宣传太空探索,把他的想象详尽地告诉大众。 来自互联网