
英 ['təʊpɪərɪ] 美 ['topɪɛri]
  • adj. 修剪成装饰形式的;修剪成形的
  • n. 灌木修剪法
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topiary 树木造型,盆栽雕刻

来自拉丁语 topia,景观园,园艺,来自希腊语 topia,景观园,来自 topos,地方,田野,场地, 词源同 topic,toponym.来自古希腊罗马时期一种对树木进行修剪以成型的园艺景观,引申词 义盆栽雕刻。

topiary (adj.)
1590s, from Latin topiarius "of or pertaining to ornamental gardening," as a noun, "ornamental gardening, landscape gardening," also "an ornamental gardener," from topia "ornamental gardening," from Greek topia, plural of topion, originally "a field," diminutive of topos "place" (see topos). The noun is first recorded 1906, from the adjective.
1. Skill: A topiary guardian has a + 8 racial bonus on Move Silently checks.
技能: 植园守卫在潜行检定上获得+的种族加值.


2. Topiary guardians do not speak, but do rustle slightly as they move.
植园守卫不会说话, 但在移动的时候会发出沙沙的响声.
