17. Now what I wish is that anyone who tries to borrow my hammer will get stuckfast right to it and that hammer will pound them around until I say, 'hammer, let go.
18. Then, when Westport was scarcely out of sight, as we were trying to cross a deep muddy gully - another feature of prairie experience that afterward became too familiar to us - the cart stuck fast.
19. Whenever I'm stuck, I set a goal to write as fast as I can.
20. Whereas when you’re moving too fast you could be skipping steps, when you’re moving too slow you could be stuck in a step, taking it over and over because it’s comfortable and familiar.
21. Since 2001 the pay of the typical worker in the United States has been stuck, with real wages growing less than half as fast as productivity.
22. This is for peace of mind so if you get stuck, you won't have to resort to greasy fast food.
23. In a world that moves so fast, the most dangerous thing in anyone's career is the sense that you're standing still — that you're not learning, that you're not being challenged, that you're stuck.