- 1. The children were sloshing water everywhere.
- 孩子们把水撒得四处都是。
- 2. The water was sloshing around under our feet.
- 水在我们脚下哗啦哗啦地流动。
- 3. Simulation of liquid horizontal sloshing.
- 横向晃动数值模拟。
- 4. Stocks are sloshing around faster and cheaper than ever.
- 股票比以前流动地更快也更便宜了。
- 5. "The amounts of money sloshing around are huge," he says.
- “市场上的游资金额巨大,”他表示。
- 6. When it expands, so too does the amount of money sloshing around.
- 当这份资产负债表扩张时,货币数量也会增加。
- 7. The water started sloshing over the boat and it began to fill with water.
- 水开始晃动他们的船并且漫了进来。
- 8. As I carried the bottle, I could hear the wine sloshing around inside.
- 当我拿着瓶子时,我能听到葡萄酒在里面晃动。
- 9. But there's increasing evidence that too much money is now sloshing around.
- 但是越来越多的证据表明,过多的通货已经开始泛滥。
- 10. The world is a complicated place, with oceans of new information sloshing around.
- 世界是一个复杂的地方,被浩瀚的信息海洋所包围。
- 11. In these patients, she says, it's not enough to quell the acid sloshing up from the stomach.
- 她认为,对于这些患者来说,仅仅控制胃酸的回流是不够的。
- 12. The result shows that the liquid sloshing appears as long period and combination of multi-modes.
- 结果表明:罐内液体的晃动是长周期运动,并且是多阶振型的组合。
- 13. How did the moon remain magnetic tens of millions of years after its molten core stopped sloshing?
- 月球炽热的内核停止了翻滚已几千万年了,它是如何保持磁场的?
- 14. If you Chinese sloshing in on the Internet years enough, see the name has not to see is to subscribe.
- 如果你在中国互联网上晃荡的年头足够多,看到这个名字已经不用继续看就去订阅了。
- 15. London's market has a strong brand, its rules are well understood, and there is money sloshing around.
- 伦敦市场有强大的品牌,易懂的规则和游动资金。
- 16. Water seeks its level, so that during sloshing there will be NO coastline in the UK that is not affected.
- 海水会上升,因此在海洋泼溅搅动期间,英国的海岸线没有一个不受到影响。
- 17. El Niño's female counterpart, La Niña—a cooler sloshing from east to west—is less well known, and less frequent.
- 不过与厄尔尼诺相对的一位异性同伴,拉尼娜—太平洋寒流定期自东向西的流动—就不是那么出名了,活动也不是那么频繁。
- 18. "Wait," he called. I kept walking, sloshing angrily through the rain. But he was next to me, easily keeping pace.
- “等等。”他叫道。我继续走着,愤怒地踢溅起了不少雨水。可他紧跟在我后面,轻而易举地跟上我的步子。
- 19. Things were falling in the kitchen and water was sloshing over the edge of the balcony, spilling from something above.
- 厨房里有些东西掉到地上,水从高处的容器里溢出,然后撒在阳台的边缘。
- 20. That is markedly different than in recent years, when billions of dollars were sloshing around global financial markets.
- 这明显不同于最近几年,当时数十亿美元在全球金融市场上到处兴风作浪。
- 21. With so much money sloshing around the art world, it's not just cynical realists who worry that the market is overheating.
- 随着如此巨大数额的金钱在艺术市场搅动,不仅仅是愤世嫉俗的现实主义者开始担忧这个市场是否已经过热。
- 22. Exchange controls exist but with so much liquidity sloshing around China at the moment, approval has become easier to get.
- 尽管外汇管制存在,但在当前中国流动性是如此泛滥,审批通过就变的容易了。
- 23. The best players bring in the crowds, he says, and there's lots of money sloshing around football so they deserve a good whack.
- “最好的球员带来大量的观众,而足球带来了巨大的利润,因此球员们理应赚多点”,吉格斯表示。
- 24. But one thing hasn't changed: All that cheap money is sloshing its way into unintended investments — including red-hot tech startups.
- 然而有一件事没有改变:这些廉价的资金再次偏离方向,进入了不该进入的领域,而炙手可热的高新技术新创企业就是其中之一。
- 25. The enormous amount of liquidity sloshing around the system was directed at acquiring existing properties rather than building new ones.
- 该系统周围庞大充盈的流动资金被用于购买已有的房产,而不是用于新建。
- 26. All this money sloshing around looking for a home is not healthy - it indicates a real lack of demand in other parts of the global economy.
- 这些资金四处流动、寻找可以落地的地方,这是不健康的——它表明全球经济的其他部分的确存在需求匮乏的情况。
- 27. All this money sloshing around looking for a home is not healthy - it indicates a real lack of demand in other parts of the global economy.
- 这些资金四处流动、寻找可以落地的地方,这是不健康的——它表明全球经济的其他部分的确存在需求匮乏的情况。