- 1. Loud music, side-splitting drama, multimedia presentations and a humorous' talk 'replace hymn singing and preaching.
- 嘈杂的音乐、令人捧腹的舞台剧表演、多媒体的呈现和幽默的讲论取代了唱诗和讲道。
- 2. If the rock mass behaved brittle, splitting cracks would happen on the high side wall of underground caverns.
- 若岩体呈脆性,则在地下厂房的高边墙常常产生劈裂裂缝区。
- 3. Simulation results can reproduce experimentally observed free dendrite, tip splitting as well as side branch.
- 模拟结果再现了实验观察到的枝晶形貌、侧枝生长以及尖端分叉等现象。
- 4. Yes, I do agree that splitting the lanes and passing others on the right side is dangerous, I think that should be stopped.
- 我极力赞成分道行驶并且禁止右面超车的危险行为。我认为那确实应该被拦下。
- 5. The rich coal region is located in the north side of large sand body, showing poor stability, and becoming thin, splitting an…
- 富煤带位于大型砂体之北侧,煤层稳定性较差,且变薄、分岔、尖灭现象普遍。
- 6. The rich coal region is located in the north side of large sand body, showing poor stability, and becoming thin, splitting an…
- 富煤带位于大型砂体之北侧,煤层稳定性较差,且变薄、分岔、尖灭现象普遍。