- 1. Out on the streets, the shelling continued.
- 在外面街道上,炮击在继续。
- 2. Just as they were leaving the rebels started shelling.
- 他们正撤离时,叛军开始炮击。
- 3. We suffered weeks of heavy shelling.
- 我们遭受了几星期的密集炮击。
- 4. Things are bad enough without our own guns shelling us.
- 本来情况就够糟的了,偏偏我们自己的大炮又向我们开起火来。
- 5. Whole neighbourhoods have been squashed flat by shelling.
- 整个的居住区已经被炮火夷为平地。
- 6. Their unit was shelling the German lines only seven miles away.
- 他们的部队正炮轰仅7英里外的德国防线。
- 7. It is as easy as shelling peas.
- 这和剥豌豆皮一样简单。
- 8. She was shelling peas.
- 她在剥豌豆荚。
- 9. Directing the enemy to any bombing or shelling target.
- 为敌人指示轰击目标的。
- 10. We cannot endure another day of this sickness and shelling.
- 我们无法忍受又一天的疾病和躲藏。
- 11. "There was heavy shelling all night, from sunset until about 1 a.m.," she says.
- “整晚都是重型炮击,从黄昏一直持续到大约凌晨1点。”她说。
- 12. It's just a friendly reminder of how much you're shelling out to make her happy.
- 这仅仅是一种善意的提醒:你要花多少钱才能让她高兴。
- 13. My great-grandmother died of a heart attack while the Germans were shelling those men.
- 德军炮轰他们时,我曾祖母因心脏病去世了。
- 14. Shelling the city relentlessly and starving its citizens, Mladic lays siege to Sarajevo.
- 姆拉迪奇围攻萨拉热窝,残酷地炮轰这座城市并饿死那的市民。
- 15. Ms. Lee said she was walking from her home to work Tuesday afternoon when the shelling began.
- 李女士在周四炮击开始时正在上班的路上。
- 16. On July 29th 2008, Russia's proxies in South Ossetia started shelling pro-Georgian villages there.
- 2008年7月29日,俄罗斯在南奥塞梯的代理人开始炮轰亲格鲁吉亚村庄。
- 17. At a neighboring tent he met another family, which had survived shelling by hiding in bunkers.
- 潘基文在旁边的一个帐篷里跟另外一个家庭会面,这家人靠藏身地洞里才没有被炮弹炸死。
- 18. You may be shelling out extra dollars for your monthly home loan payment when you don't have to.
- 为了偿还你的房屋贷款,你可能每月要付额外的钞票,而你完全可以不必如此。
- 19. The November 23 shelling, however, is one of the most serious that has occurred in recent years.
- 11月23日的炮火是近年来最为严重的冲突之一。
- 20. China pushed for an emergency resumption of the stalled talks after the shelling of Yeonpyeong island.
- 延坪岛炮击事件后,中国主张紧急启动停滞不前的六方会谈。
- 21. The residents described intense shelling around the post office, and especially in the north of the city.
- 居民说邮局受到了激烈的炮击,尤其是城市的北部。
- 22. She says she was "scared of everything, especially the shelling - there was a lot of shelling in Misrata."
- 她说,她对所有的一切都感到害怕,尤其是炮击,当时在米苏拉塔有很多炮击发生。
- 23. A Gori resident prays and weeps as he returns to his home destroyed by Russian shelling on Aug. 17, 2008.
- 2008年8月17日,一哥里居民回到他那被俄军摧毁的家,禁不住黯然落泪、默默祈祷。
- 24. My actions were prompted primarily by thoughts of hot food, tobacco and relief from the unending shelling.
- 我这么做是因为我想要热的食物、香烟,还有我厌倦了无休止的躲藏」。
- 25. Wall Street types, who last year thought nothing of shelling out $20,000 for a little winter fun, are cutting back.
- 华尔街的那些人去年对花上2万美元找点冬日乐趣是眼都不眨一下的,现在渐渐都不来了。
- 26. He said hospitals and ambulances had been hit by shelling and several aid workers injured while evacuating the wounded.
- 他还说,医院和救护车被炮弹击中,好几位工作人员在疏散伤者时受伤。
- 27. He said hospitals and ambulances had been hit by shelling and several aid workers injured while evacuating the wounded.
- 他还说,医院和救护车被炮弹击中,好几位工作人员在疏散伤者时受伤。