- 1. The stripes of the Semper Augustus were caused by the genes of a virus.
- “永远的奥古斯都”上的条纹是由一种病毒基因造成的。
- 2. So the silly Latin semper ubi sub ubi 'always where under where' may not apply to the Romans.
- 所以那些愚蠢的拉丁人总是在这里或那里胡乱折腾,不大可能去申请去做罗马人。
- 3. One bulb of the most sought-after variety, the flaming red-striped Semper Augustus, sold for twice the yearly income of a rich merchant.
- 带有火红条纹的“永远的奥古斯都”(Semper Augustus)是最受欢迎的一种,它的一块球茎售价相当于一个富商年收入的两倍。
- 4. He was a Marine combat veteran who had lived on a staple diet of Semper Fi and studied silence all his life.
- 他是海军陆战队的一名退伍老兵,以“永远忠诚”为人生信条,一辈子沉默寡言。
- 5. In short, then, Semper Fi has three main design goals: better interface, smarter ai and more history.
- 简单来说,《永》有三个主要设计目标:更好的界面、更高的人工智能和更强的历史感。
- 6. In short, then, Semper Fi has three main design goals: better interface, smarter ai and more history.
- 简单来说,《永》有三个主要设计目标:更好的界面、更高的人工智能和更强的历史感。