- 1. You had better travel to Nova Scotia tomorrow.
- 你最好明天去新斯科舍。
- 2. The nearest safe anchorage was in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
- 最近的安全锚地位于新斯科舍哈利法克斯。
- 3. He set off for a nineteen-day moose hunt in Nova Scotia.
- 他开始了在新斯科舍为期19天的猎驼鹿行程。
- 4. He had once looked into buying his own island off Nova Scotia.
- 他曾经考虑过在新斯科舍省沿海购买属于自己的小岛。
- 5. Hitchbot began its journey in Nova Scotia in July.
- Hitchbot 于7月在新斯科舍开始了它的旅程。
- 6. I'm a tomboy from Nova Scotia.
- 我是来自新斯科舍的假小子。
- 7. The British troops then moved to Nova Scotia.
- 之后,英军转移到新斯科舍。
- 8. He and his wife live in Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada.
- 他和他的妻子在加拿大新斯科舍省的曲罗市定居。
- 9. I grew up in the LaHave River Valley of Nova Scotia far from any town.
- 我从小在拉哈夫河流域新斯科舍远离任何城市。
- 10. Bina: Oh, I'm from Halifax, Nova Scotia. I'm Canadian of East Indian descent.
- 比娜:我是新斯克舍省的哈利法克斯人。我是东印度裔加拿大人。
- 11. In Nova Scotia you can see museums, fishing villages and whales if you are lucky.
- 在诺瓦斯雪省你能见到博物馆、捕鱼村,如果幸运的话,可以看到鲸。
- 12. It is well suited to cold-climate regions in Canada's Niagara Peninsula and Nova Scotia.
- 它非常适合寒冷,在加拿大尼亚加拉半岛和新斯科舍省的气候地区。
- 13. Trade certification for restoration stone masons is available, but voluntary, in Nova Scotia.
- 在新斯科舍省,恢复石匠行业认证是可用的,但是自愿的。
- 14. Kids who eat better perform better in school, a new study of Nova Scotia fifth-graders confirms.
- (加拿大)一项对新斯科舍省五年级小学生开展的研究证实,饮食习惯好的孩子学习成绩也比较好。
- 15. One example: I'm a toddler8 sitting in a high chair in my parents' kitchen in rural Nova Scotia.
- 举个例子:我还在蹒跚学步时,我们住在加拿大新斯科舍省的乡下,那时我经常被安置在厨房里的一个高脚婴儿椅上坐着。
- 16. Imagine that you were to do another Web poll of Nova Scotia beer drinkers after a period had elapsed.
- 假定过一段时间后,您打算对新斯科舍省的啤酒消费者进行另一次Web民意测验。
- 17. Ryan Deschamps, e-Learning Manager, Halifax Public Libraries, Nova Scotia -- Library Journal, 5/11/2010
- RyanDeschamps,加拿大新斯科舍省哈利法克斯公共图书馆电子学习项目经理
- 18. The data appears to support the conclusion that Keiths is the most popular brand among Nova Scotia residents.
- 这些数据看上去支持这样的结论:Keiths是最受新斯科舍省居民欢迎的品牌。
- 19. Credit: Oliver Braubach, Department of Physiology &Biophysics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. (3rd place)
- 图片提供者:加拿大新斯科舍省哈利法克斯达尔豪西大学生理学和生物物理学系的奥利弗·布劳巴赫(Oliver Braubach)。
- 20. You're talking about JP Morgan, HSBC, Scotia, and a couple others but those three are the primary bank vault operators.
- 例如摩根大通、汇率和加拿大丰业银行等等,这三家银行是保管库的主要营运商。
- 21. We cannot reject the null hypothesis that the preferences of Nova Scotia beer drinkers have changed since your last poll.
- 我们不能排除这样的虚假设,即自从上一次民意测验以来,新斯科舍省啤酒消费者偏好已经发生了变化。
- 22. Assuming that the sample of Nova Scotia beer drinkers is not biased, can you now conclude that Keith's is the most popular brand?
- 假设新斯科舍省啤酒消费者统计样本没有发生偏差,您现在能够得出Keiths是最受欢迎品牌这一结论吗?
- 23. "I can't see one glimmer of hope in this report when we dig beneath the headlines, " said Derek Holt, economist at Scotia Capital.
- 枫叶基金的经济专家德里克豪尔特说“当我们深入了解这些数字背后的情形时,我看不到一丝的希望。”
- 24. It is more likely that your poll results reflect a real difference in brand preference among the population of Nova Scotia beer drinkers.
- 您的民意测验结果更有可能反映了新斯科舍省的啤酒消费者总体对于啤酒品牌偏好的真正差别。
- 25. It is more likely that your poll results reflect a real difference in brand preference among the population of Nova Scotia beer drinkers.
- 您的民意测验结果更有可能反映了新斯科舍省的啤酒消费者总体对于啤酒品牌偏好的真正差别。