- 1. Joanna sat up, blinking sleepily.
- 乔安娜坐了起来,睡意未消地眨着眼睛。
- 2. He flipped over and sat up.
- 他翻了一个身坐了起来。
- 3. She sat up with a jerk.
- 她猛地坐了起来。
- 4. She sat up and removed her designer sunglasses.
- 她坐起来,摘掉她的时尚墨镜。
- 5. Ben sat up quickly, his face taut and terrified.
- 本迅速坐起来,神情紧张而恐惧。
- 6. As soon as he saw that her eyes were open he sat up.
- 一看见她眼睛睁着,他马上坐了起来。
- 7. She took a deep breath and sat up slowly and with great effort.
- 她深吸一口气,慢慢地、吃力地坐了起来。
- 8. Mary sat up in bed furious.
- 玛丽愤怒地从床上坐起来。
- 9. He actually sat up in bed.
- 他竟然从床上坐了起来。
- 10. Toad sat up slowly and dried his eyes.
- 癞蛤蟆托德慢慢坐起来,擦干眼泪。
- 11. His sobs woke Wendy, and she sat up in bed.
- 他的啜泣惊醒了温迪,她在床上坐了起来。
- 12. Martha sat up on her heels again and stared.
- 玛莎又坐起来盯着看。
- 13. She sat up in bed, and was interested at once.
- 她在床上坐了起来,立刻产生了兴趣。
- 14. Mary sat up in bed and felt miserable and angry.
- 玛丽从床上坐起来,又难过又生气。
- 15. I sat up in bed and I said, "Boy, why are you crying?"
- 我从床上坐起来,说:“孩子,你为什么哭?”
- 16. Dickon stopped weeding and sat up on his heels to tell her.
- 狄肯停止除草,蹲坐在脚后跟上,告诉了她。
- 17. Colin half sat up, turning toward her, leaning on his elbows.
- 科林半坐起来,转向她,用胳膊肘支撑身体。
- 18. He sat up on the snow and nursed his leg in both his front paws.
- 他在雪地上坐了起来,用两只前爪揉着自己的腿。
- 19. Last night he sat up in a hospital bed and learned how lucky he was to be alive.
- 昨晚他在医院的床上坐起来,才知道自己能活下来是多么幸运。
- 20. Tom sat up in bed and gazed out from the heavy silken curtains upon this fine company.
- 汤姆在床上坐了起来,透过阴暗的丝质窗帘,凝视着这群讲究的同伴。
- 21. He sat up, pushing the body from him, and gazed at it, and then around him, confusedly.
- 他坐起来,把尸体从身边推开,盯着看,然后又困惑地环顾四周。
- 22. He sat up, rubbed his hand through his scraggly hair, and asked, "Computer, what's the date?"
- 他坐了起来,用手指抓挠了下一头茅草般的乱发,然后问道:“电脑,今天是几号?”
- 23. We sat up drinking and talking.
- 我们很晚还没睡,一直喝酒聊天。
- 24. We sat up half the night, talking.
- 我们谈到了半夜才睡。
- 25. Alerted by a noise downstairs, he sat up and turned on the light.
- 楼下的响声使他警觉,他坐起来打开灯。
- 26. After hearing the teacher's words, all the students sat up straight and waited for the test to begin.
- 听了老师的话,所有的学生都坐直了,等待考试开始。
- 27. Mary sat up, and through the window she saw a dodo, an unusual dodo, right there in her yard!
- 玛丽坐了起来,透过窗户,她看到了一只渡渡鸟,一只不寻常的渡渡鸟,就在她的院子里!
- 28. All the students sat up straight and waited for the test to begin.
- 所有的学生都坐直了,等待考试开始。
- 29. He sat up and looked at his wife.
- 他坐起身,看着自己的妻子。
- 30. I sat up and looked at the museum.
- 我坐起来看着博物馆。