- 1. He needed no prodding.
- 他不用督促。
- 2. Pierre used a short piece of woodchip to touch a light which was flashing, and Corbeau was seen prodding a metal toad with a stick.
- 皮埃尔用一小块木片碰了碰闪光的灯,而且有人看见科博用棍子戳一只金属蟾蜍。
- 3. This would be true even without prodding from media firms.
- 这倒是真的,甚至不用传媒公司来撺掇。
- 4. Populists are prodding PT to carry out its ambitious agenda.
- 平民党也在敦促为泰党实现野心勃勃的议程。
- 5. Prodding addicts into treatment without going to court has various benefits.
- 不用上法庭而刺激瘾君子接受治疗有多方面的好处。
- 6. Prodding email lets me set up a non-Gmail account without the need for another app!
- Proddingemail让我可以不需要另外的程序来设置一个非gmail账户!
- 7. Spin is one of those properties physicists can’t predict in advance, before prodding.
- 自旋属于那种物理学家在测量之前无法预知测量结果的性质。
- 8. I have more trouble prodding myself to make the effort to buy things I actually need.
- 我的问题在于如何说服自己去买该买的东西。
- 9. I have more trouble prodding myself to make the effort to buy things I actually need.
- 我的问题在于让自己买那些真正需要的东西。
- 10. It took little prodding to get the kids to all come in once they understood it was time to eat.
- 只要让他们知道该吃饭了,把孩子们都叫进来也不是那么费劲。
- 11. The successes are prodding the rest of Europe to become more German by copying Berlin's reforms.
- 柏林的成功迫使欧洲其他国家纷纷效仿。
- 12. Despite her brother's occasional prodding, and no shortage of suitors, Katherine had never married.
- 凯瑟琳至今未婚,尽管哥哥偶尔会敦促她一下,而她也不乏追求者。
- 13. "This is an industry that needs to change faster than it is and it needs outside prodding to do it," he says.
- “这是一个需要比现在变化更快的行业,而要做到这一点,它需要外部的刺激,”他表示。
- 14. You'll spend half your study time prodding them to get the job done, and will waste precious study minutes.
- 你会花点一般的时间来说服他们把任务完成,因此也就浪费了宝贵的学习时间。
- 15. And what chance does he have of prodding a lumbering giant such as HBS in the direction that he wants it to go?
- 他有哪些机会把HBS这样一个笨拙的巨人推往他设想好的方向?
- 16. Such prodding can make anyone fume but experts say that ideally you should maintain your cool during the meeting.
- 这样的无理取闹谁都会被气得七窍生烟,不过专家建议,理想的应对方式是,在会上保持冷静。
- 17. And if they need some prodding to use the design, then the architect needs to jump in and prod wherever necessary.
- 如果用户需要某些推动才会使用该设计,则架构师需要投入进来并尽可能地进行推动。
- 18. Both sides have climbed down in the face of Mr Obama's frustration and the prodding of George Mitchell, his envoy.
- 双方面对奥巴马的失望,在奥巴马特使乔治·米歇尔的敦促下,已经做出了让步。
- 19. Half an hour prodding soil will reduce office stress far more effectively (and cheaply) than a glass of chardonnay.
- 花半个小时来培土比一杯夏敦埃酒更能缓解压力(也更加实惠)。
- 20. "Haven't you ever noticed that?" Wendy asks me. Blame is obvious in her tone. It feels like needles prodding at me.
- “你从来没有注意到吗?”温迪问我,口气里掩饰不住的责备。那感觉就像是用针在戳我。
- 21. Connecting people is an extremely helpful good deed, so it's worth a bit of thinking and prodding to make it happen.
- 把人联系起来是及其好的一件事,所以它值得思考和推动一下。
- 22. Prodding on: Once the sulfur hardens, the 200-or-so miners at Kawah Ijen use metal rods and crowbars to break off blocks.
- 杵碎:硫磺结块后,Kawah Ijen火山里的200多名矿工就用金属杆和铁撬棍将它们敲碎。
- 23. I also have her read celebrated poems, essays and novels, prodding her with questions to see if she's understood what she's read.
- 我还让她读著名诗篇、散文和小说,并提出问题来看她是否读懂了。
- 24. And I know that I never could have figured out how to express what was in me without these talented Chinese musicians prodding me.
- 我知道,如果没有身边这些中国乐手的不断支持,我永远也无法找到表达自己内心世界的方法。
- 25. The Fed is supposed to be proactive, with new powers and a level of subjective prodding to avert disasters that will require keen judgments.
- 联储将会成为积极地管理者——它有了新的权力,在一定程度上享有对灾难的主观裁量权。
- 26. The Fed is supposed to be proactive, with new powers and a level of subjective prodding to avert disasters that will require keen judgments.
- 联储将会成为积极地管理者——它有了新的权力,在一定程度上享有对灾难的主观裁量权。