- 1. Observe the effect of the Preload class
- 观察Preload类的效果
- 2. What's the best way to preload all types of images?
- 最好的方法是什么预加载所有类型的图片吗?
- 3. Think of the front preload adjuster as a ride-height adjuster.
- 想用前预载调节器来作为车身高度的调节。
- 4. Anticipated preload - preload in advance before launching a redesign.
- 预anticipated载荷-推出重新设计前预先预载荷。
- 5. If feasible, preferably with rubber spring on the actual preload.
- 如果可行的话,最好能在弹簧上加上橡胶件的实际预紧力。
- 6. To make the connection surface tight, we must increase the bolt preload.
- 若要使连接面贴紧,就必须加大连续螺栓的预紧力。
- 7. Calcium channel blockers reduce afterload with little effect on preload.
- 钙通道阻滞剂降低后负荷,而对前负荷几乎没有作用。
- 8. preload/ - Root directory for all the preload notice fragment subdirectories.
- preload/-所有预加载的通知片段子目录的根目录。
- 9. Deals with screws and fasteners including power screw and preload fasteners.
- 讨论螺钉、螺杆等紧固件的设计,包括传动螺杆和预加载紧固件。
- 10. Right click on com.ibm.lpex.preload and click New - preload, as Figure 1 shows.
- 右键单击com . ibm . lpex .preload并单击new- preload。
- 11. Preload may look like the opposite of post-load, but it actually has a different goal.
- 预载荷可能看起来像 post-load的相反,但它实际上有一个不同的目标。
- 12. You can preload messages and assign specific criteria to when they should be sent.
- 你可以预紧讯息,并指派特定标准时,应发出。
- 13. Unconditional preload - as soon as onload fires, you go ahead and fetch some extra components.
- preload Unconditional-尽快onload激发您前进,并提取一些额外的组件。
- 14. Wheel spindle and motor is either designed to use preload super precision ball bearing in a case.
- 砂轮主轴与电机一体,采用预加载荷的高精度滚动轴承。
- 15. This makes the bolt bear the preload and work load, but also bear the role of additional bending moment.
- 这使螺栓在承受预紧力和工作载荷作用的同时,还要承受附加弯矩的作用。
- 16. Preload notice support, which is a page that may be inserted "in front of" a resource based on a set of rules.
- 提供预装载通知,它是按照一定规则加入了“面对”资源的页面。
- 17. Even IBM's own PC Division reluctantly agreed to preload OS/2 Warp on a line of its Aptiva desktops, but guess what?
- 甚至IBM自己的PC部门也只是勉强才同意在他们某系列的Aptiva桌面电脑上预装OS/2Warp,但是猜猜他们怎么做的?
- 18. If you go to the trouble to preload a set of data, it should be replicated to avoid having to re-load it on a failure.
- 如果您费力去预加载数据集,应该同时将其复制,以避免出错时需要重新加载它。
- 19. To use this arrangement with a preload , attention must be paid to the amount of preload and clearance adjustment.
- 若要使用此安排,预,必须注意的数额预紧力和清除的调整。
- 20. Fit the dial gauge with some preload and measure the lateral runout at the greatest external diameter of the brake disc.
- 在带有一定预载的情况下安装百分表,然后测量制动盘最大外径处的横向跳动。
- 21. Conditional preload - based on a user action you make an educated guess where the user is headed next and preload accordingly.
- 条件预加载-基于您进行有见地猜测下一步领导用户是一个用户操作,并据此预加载。
- 22. An additional axial preload tended to increase the pressure, the shear, and fiber strains essentially for all load scenarios.
- 特别在负荷方案中,一个附加的轴向前负荷可以趋向于增加压力、切应力和纤维强度。
- 23. For the exact function of the bearing system, the bearing pairs must be linked together with a preload on the movable bearing.
- 对于举止制度的精确功能,举止双一定被在可动的举止上连同一个预载一起联编。
- 24. If you do not require such dynamic loading, you can preload your application with entities that you wish to be read from memory.
- 如果您不需要动态装载,那么可以将应用程序与想要从内存中读取的实体一起装载。
- 25. MySpace also announced that LG will preload the MySpace Mobile application on the next-generation of its Windows Mobile 6.1 phones.
- MySpace也宣布LG将会在下一代的WindowsMobile 6.1操作系统的手机中预装MySpace的手机应用。
- 26. Positions 3 to 5 increase spring preload for a stiffer rear suspension, and can be used when the motorcycle is more heavily loaded.
- 岗位3日至5日增加弹簧预紧一项更为严厉的后悬挂系统,可以用来当摩托车是越来越重装货。
- 27. At the top of the file, preload the years and countries arrays with the years, and the list of countries and their literacy values.
- 在文件顶端,为years和countries数组预先加载年份、国家列表及其扫盲值。
- 28. The router can lazily preload modules after the app starts and before the user navigates to them for improved perceived performance.
- 路由器可以在应用启动之后和用户导航到惰性加载模块之前,预先加载惰性模块,以增强性能。
- 29. Preload maps for entire countries on your Nokia GPS phone with map Loader and enjoy using all these features and services also offline.
- 通过地图加载程序整个国家的地图预加载到您的诺基亚gps手机上,并享受脱机使用所有这些功能和服务。
- 30. These use the LD_PRELOAD environment variable to preload a library that replaces the standard memory routines with instrumented versions.
- 这些工具使用LD _ PRELOAD环境变量预加载库,用于将标准内存例程替换为插装版本。