- 1. We can offer you forty days' holiday per annum.
- 每年我们将给你四十天的假期。
- 2. The agency places about 2000 secretaries per annum.
- 该代理机构每年安置约2000名秘书。
- 3. The company is offering a salary of 20000 per annum.
- 这家公司招聘职员,年薪为20000英镑。 收藏。
- 4. The company is offering a salary of 20000 per annum.
- 这家公司招聘职员,年薪为20000英镑。
- 5. The economy has been growing at close to 10 per cent per annum.
- 中国的经济,每年平均增长率接近10%。
- 6. We need your Certificate of income to show your income per annum.
- 我们需要你的收入证明来证明你每年的收入。
- 7. I congratulate you. You have there a rent of nine thousand francs per annum.
- 您在这上面每年就得花销九千法郎。
- 8. You should assume that sales quantities will remain at 8,000 units per annum.
- 您应该假设,销售数量每年将依然是在8,000个单位。
- 9. We have consistently been able to achieve budget surpluses averaging 2% of GDP per annum.
- 我们一直都能达到平均占每年本地生产总值2%的财政盈馀。
- 10. Also, with debt out of control interest rates will rise substantially to 10-20% per annum.
- 同时,随着债务失去控制,利率将会飙升至10- 20%的水平。
- 11. But fiscal revenues have been growing by around 20 per cent per annum for more than 15 years.
- 但是财政收入在过去的十五年中大约都保持在20%的增长率。
- 12. The existing site has the capability to produce well over 400 boats per annum at full capacity.
- 如果满负荷作业的话,现有的站点有能力每年生产400多艘船。
- 13. In the first half of the 20th century, India's GDP grew at a negligible rate of about 0.1% per annum.
- 在20世纪的上半叶,印度的GDP年增长率仅仅是可怜的0.1%。
- 14. According to take in, this kind of apple flows from Japan, per annum of would have sales in winter.
- 据了解,这种超大苹果来自日本,每年的冬季才会有销售。
- 15. The cells are expected to generate 320 megawatt per annum, which is enough energy for 100 households.
- 而且这些太阳能电池预计每年将产生320兆瓦的能量,足够为100户家庭提供能源。
- 16. Results the incidence of thromboembolism was 0.61% per annum in the low intensity compared with 0% in the medium.
- 结果低等强度抗凝亚组血栓栓塞年发生率为0 61%,中等强度抗凝亚组血栓栓塞发生率为0。
- 17. In other words, a larger turbine could have a marginally larger diameter, yet produce twice as much electricity per annum.
- 换句话说,更大型的涡轮机可能直径要更大一点点,然而,每年的发电量却是以前的两倍。
- 18. In 2008 there were over 180 million internet-based payment transactions, with this number increasing by 20% per annum.
- 是在2008年有超过180万互联网为基础的支付交易,这个数目每年20%。
- 19. That's not to say volumes are flat - they are falling by around 1 per cent per annum and that historic trend continues.
- 这并不是说卷烟销量持平——每年大约下跌1个百分点,这种历史性的趋势还在继续。
- 20. Acorn currently manufactures in excess of 50,000 new units per annum and has thousands of satisfied customers worldwide.
- 埃康目前生产的5.0万新单位每年有过剩和全球数以千计的客户满意。
- 21. We will advance the cost of machined, which you shall compensate it by installments, plus freight and interest at 5% per annum.
- 我们预付机器的费用,由你方以分期付款的方式偿还,另加运费和第年5%的利息。
- 22. Given its phenomenal growth rate China has been depleting its coal reserves by almost 2% per annum for over a decade and a half.
- 中国显著的经济增长是以过去二十几年来每年消耗2%的煤储量为代价的。
- 23. Article 9 Interest rates for postal savings offered by Chunghwa post shall be calculated per annum and posted in post office branches.
- 第9条中华邮政公司办理邮政储金之利率,应以年率为准,并于营业场所揭示。
- 24. In the past decade, expenditure on the Public Works Programme (PWP) has grown at an average rate of 6 per cent per annum in real terms.
- 过去十年以来,工务计划方面的开支,平均每年有6%的实质增长。
- 25. I smiled: I thought to myself Mr. Rochester is peculiar — he seems to forget that he pays me 30 pounds per annum for receiving his orders.
- 我微微一笑。我暗自思忖道,“罗切斯特先生也真奇怪——他好像忘了,付我三十镑年薪是让我听他吩咐的。”
- 26. I smiled: I thought to myself Mr. Rochester is peculiar — he seems to forget that he pays me 30 pounds per annum for receiving his orders.
- 我微微一笑。我暗自思忖道,“罗切斯特先生也真奇怪——他好像忘了,付我三十镑年薪是让我听他吩咐的。”