- 1. She enjoys the respect of her peers.
- 她受到同侪的尊敬。
- 2. She should be schooled with her peers.
- 她应当与她的同龄人一起接受教育。
- 3. His engaging personality made him popular with his peers.
- 他迷人的个性使他很受同龄人欢迎。
- 4. Children are worried about failing in front of their peers.
- 儿童都怕在同伴面前失败。
- 5. Their German peers had a more developed sense of citizenship.
- 他们的德国同龄人对于公民的义务和责任有更成熟的认识。
- 6. She exhibited none of the narcissistic and nihilistic tendencies of her peers.
- 她一点也没有表现出同龄人那种自恋和虚无主义倾向。
- 7. I can learn from a lot of the peers.
- 我可以从同龄人那里学到很多东西。
- 8. They learn how to interact with their peers.
- 他们学习如何与同龄人互动。
- 9. For many of my peers, though, Venus quickly lost its romance.
- 然而,对于我的许多同龄人来说,金星很快就失去了其浪漫色彩。
- 10. Students prefer to rely on peers to relieve stress and anxiety.
- 学生更喜欢依靠同伴来缓解压力和焦虑。
- 11. These renegades, cerebral experiments fascinate many of his peers.
- 这些叛逆的、理性的实验吸引了他的许多同行。
- 12. In addition to connecting peers, cell phones connect children and parents.
- 手机不仅将同龄人们连接起来,还将孩子和父母连接起来。
- 13. His results, published in May, suggest that many of his peers do just that.
- 他在5月发表的研究结果表明,他的许多同行正是这样做的。
- 14. In literacy, they were actually doing better than their peers in other countries.
- 在读写能力方面,他们实际上比其他国家的同龄人做得更好。
- 15. Did he have a hidden talent that others didn't have? Or more endurance than his peers?
- 他拥有别人所不具备的隐藏天赋吗?还是比他的同龄人更有耐力?
- 16. We've been to fast food outlets like McDonald's, but there are barely any peers there.
- 我们去过像麦当劳这样的快餐店,但那里几乎没有我们的同龄人。
- 17. This means that, without a smartphone, teens are likely to feel isolated from their peers.
- 这就意味着,如果没有智能手机,青少年可能会感觉与同龄人隔绝。
- 18. We want to fit in, to bond with others, and to earn the respect and approval of our peers.
- 我们想要与他人相处融洽,和他们建立信任关系,并赢得同辈的尊重和认可。
- 19. Sue, who was born in the United States to immigrant parents, wants her peers to dial it back.
- 苏出生在美国,其父母都是移民,她希望同龄人能扭转这一趋势。
- 20. A study showed that dual-language students did significantly better than their peers in reading English texts.
- 一项研究表明,双语学生在英语阅读方面明显优于同龄人。
- 21. Steinberg and Gardner randomly assigned some participants to play alone or with two same-age peers looking on.
- 斯坦伯格和加德纳随机分配了一些参与者,让他们单独玩或者让两个同龄的同伴看着他们玩。
- 22. We should compete with our peers for better scholarly achievement instead of more expensive fashionable clothes.
- 我们应该和我们的同龄人比拼谁的学术成就更高,而不是攀比谁的潮流时装更贵。
- 23. It is actually about what their peers think of them, what their social norms are, what is seen as desirable in society.
- 这实际上是关于他们的同龄人如何看待他们,他们的社会规范是什么,以及他们认为在社会中什么是可取的。
- 24. You will adopt a certain type of behavior, dress, or attitude in order to be accepted as part of a group of your "peers".
- 你会采取某种行为、衣着或态度,以便被你的“同伴”所接受。
- 25. A journal editor would then remove the author's names and affiliations from the paper and send it to their peers for review.
- 然后,期刊编辑会将作者的姓名和所属机构从论文中删除,并将其发给同行进行评审。
- 26. "The presence of peers makes adolescents and youth, but not adults, more likely to take risks," Steinberg and Gardner concluded.
- “同龄人的存在使青少年和年轻人更有可能去冒险,成年人则不在此列。”斯坦伯格和加德纳总结道。
- 27. Guess who the most severe members of that committee are? It's the students, your peers who are outraged at that kind of behavior.
- 猜猜委员会里最严厉的成员是谁?是学生,对这种行为义愤填膺的你们的同辈。
- 28. Campaigners have warned that the British government is not doing enough to prevent left-handed pupils from falling behind their peers.
- 活动家们警告说,英国政府在防止左撇子学生落后于同龄人方面做得不够。
- 29. When they make decisions in the heat of the moment or in social situations, their decisions are often influenced by factors like peers.
- 当他们在一时冲动或在社交场合下做出决定时,他们的决定往往会受到同辈等因素的影响。
- 30. When they make decisions in the heat of the moment or in social situations, their decisions are often influenced by factors like peers.
- 当他们在一时冲动或在社交场合下做出决定时,他们的决定往往会受到同辈等因素的影响。