- 1. He knew his place in the pecking order.
- 他知道自己在排序中的位置。
- 2. New Zealand is at the top of the pecking order of rugby nations.
- 新西兰在橄榄球国家中首屈一指。
- 3. Motorists would rather pay more tax than lose the place in the corporate pecking order conferred on them by their company cars.
- 驾车者宁愿交更多的税,也不愿失去公司汽车赋予他们的公司地位。
- 4. There are no big changes in the pecking order.
- 这样的排序没有大的变动。
- 5. Even senior bondholders, who are high in the pecking order, were hit.
- 即使是在偿还顺序中处于优先地位的高等级债券持有人也受到了损失。
- 6. Their taxes would leave the pecking order intact and envy undiminished.
- 他们的税收将保持等级次序的完整性,羡慕也不会减少。
- 7. Their taxes would leave the pecking order intact and envy undiminished .
- 他们的税收将保持等级次序的完整性,羡慕也不会减少。
- 8. The pecking order may change, but pragmatism and efficiency will always count.
- “啄食”秩序可能会改变,但是实用主义与高效率永远有重要意义。
- 9. He has refused to establish even a rudimentary pecking order in his office.
- 他甚至不愿意在办公室里建立起一套最基本的等级制度。
- 10. Therefore, the global pecking order among financial institutions is shifting.
- 因此,全球金融行业的排列次序正在变化之中。
- 11. Like many tribes, however, companies have a strict pecking order based on age.
- 但也正如很多家族那样,这些企业里也有以年龄为基础的严格的辈份等级。
- 12. Do you think we'll come away from Sepang with a clearer idea of the pecking order?
- 你认为雪邦之后我们对排名会有更清晰的认识咩?
- 13. It's very tight at the very top so a relatively small change can move the pecking order.
- 顶级学府的排名竞争相当激烈,因此即便相对较小的变化都会使名次产生变动。
- 14. And, sadly, the ability to exert force still determines the international pecking order.
- 可悲的是,实施能力仍然决定了国际权势等级。
- 15. If you measure inequality of wealth rather than income, the global pecking order changes.
- 如果你衡量财富而不是收入的不平等性,全球现有格局就会有所改变。
- 16. Firms can, of course, recognise their own data and judge where they stand in the pecking order.
- 当然,公司可以辨认自己的资料并判断出自己在排名顺序中的位置。
- 17. It seems envy at being lower in the social pecking order tarnishes the satisfaction of being well off.
- 你会嫉妒身处社会等级低下而使对自身富裕的满意度不屑一顾。
- 18. Solution No. 3: Recognize that emerging markets are a constantly changing new-world pecking order.
- 解答三:意识到新兴市场的崛起秩序。
- 19. If they want to replace coal plants in the pecking order, though, they'll have to work all the time.
- 但如果风电厂想取代燃煤发电厂的主导地位,就必须全天候持续工作。
- 20. Are we looking here at one of the oldest of all status symbols; the expression of a social pecking order?
- 我们是否正面对着人类最古老的地位象征物品之一?代表着一个社会的尊卑秩序?
- 21. Did that feel a lot different given where you guys have been in terms of the top of the pecking order?
- 考虑到你们通常的排名都非常靠前,这次的排名,同以往相比是不是让你们感到有很大不同?
- 22. How galling then, for those down the pecking order, that the Numbers of people at the top are rising so fast.
- 于是,对那些位于长幼序列下方者而言,身处顶端之人数的快速增加将多么令人烦恼啊。
- 23. God designed chickens to make nests, lay eggs, raise their chicks and establish communities (the "pecking order").
- 上帝设计鸡筑巢,产卵,养育小鸡,建立社区(“啄食顺序”)。
- 24. But the dramatic changes in the pecking order mask a lack of more profound change in the system of finance itself.
- 然而金融界等级中出现的重大变化却恰好说明,整个世界金融体系需要更深层次的改变。
- 25. You might think chickens are way down the pecking order in the animal kingdom when it comes to emotional intelligence.
- 也许在你看来,动物世界里按“情商”论资排辈的话,鸡类可能将名落孙山。
- 26. Two studies by management consultants show that they dramatically rearranged the pecking order of companies in many fields.
- 根据管理顾问的两项研究调查显示,很多行业都得以戏剧性地重新洗牌。
- 27. Still, LeBron is the superior player and the redundancy of their skill sets complicates the traditional 1-2 "pecking order.
- 当然了,在个人实力和能力上,勒布朗绝对是一个怪兽,从传统意义上来说的1、2名话,他依旧领先。
- 28. Still, LeBron is the superior player and the redundancy of their skill sets complicates the traditional 1-2 "pecking order."
- 当然了,在个人实力和能力上,勒布朗绝对是一个怪兽,从传统意义上来说的1、2名话,他依旧领先。
- 29. Even existing funds will find it hard to raise fresh capital unless they are at the very top of the industry's pecking order.
- 即使现存的基金也会发现募集新鲜的资金也会越来越难除非他们处在这个行业的前几名。
- 30. This is because the office is organized by pecking order. People with more years and experience are given more responsibility.
- 这是因为办公室的管理规则是以小鸡啄食的规则组织的,就是说年纪大的,经验多的人往往有优先权,被给予了更多的责任。