1. Well, we've set up a neighborhoodwatch program. We caught a guy a couple of months ago.
2. You could be responsible for food supplies and preparation, organizing neighborhoodwatch meetings, interpreting, etc.
3. Then turn to organizations you're already involved with, including the PTA, your over-30 soccer league, NeighborhoodWatch, etc.
4. Attorneys are closer to seat a jury in the second degree murder trial of a former NeighborhoodWatch volunteer who says he shot and killed Trayvon Martin in self-defense.
5. Police programs designed to mobilize citizen groups were greatly increased to include the NeighborhoodWatch program and the New Orleans Neighborhood Police Anti-Crime Council.
6. USC DPS is forming an International Student Safety Advisory Group, creating an International Student Liaison Officer position and further expanding its NeighborhoodWatch programs.
7. In 2012 Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teen, was fatally shot by a neighborhoodwatch guard in Florida. The guard, George Zimmerman, was acquitted of all charges related to the killing.
8. You couldn't actually be rude to them, but you couldn't help feeling about them the same way that, say, a Vietnam veteran would feel about someone who wears combat gear to NeighborhoodWatch meetings.