- 1. Employee puts in hours of physical or mental labor and employee draws out life-sustaining moola.
- 雇员投入数小时的体力或脑力劳动来得到维持生计的薪水。
- 2. Take some of your newer books to a used book shop for some moola!
- 把你一些比较新的书拿去旧书店卖钱!
- 3. If you're good at a subject, private tutoring can earn you some nice moola.
- 如果你成绩很好,家教可以帮你赚一笔不少的钱。
- 4. This entrepreneur is an example of how one can be eccentric and yet rake in the moola.
- 这位企业家是一个例子,告诉人们在金钱面前人可以古怪而又专注。
- 5. While people sending money don't need PayPal accounts, people receiving moola do -- or, at least, they must be willing to create one.
- 转出方不必拥有支付宝账户,收款方才要---或者,至少,他们愿意开一个支付宝账户。
- 6. While people sending money don't need PayPal accounts, people receiving moola do -- or, at least, they must be willing to create one.
- 转出方不必拥有支付宝账户,收款方才要---或者,至少,他们愿意开一个支付宝账户。