1. The place looks liveable in. 这地方看起来适于居住。 《牛津词典》
2. The problem is paying the mortgage—everything else is liveable with. 问题在于偿还按揭贷款—别的一切事情都能对付。 《牛津词典》
3. That means there's little money around for investment that would make cities liveable and more productive. 这意味着没有多少钱可以用于投资那些让城市变得更宜居、更具有生产力的项目。 来自互联网
4. How does it provide a liveable habitat for people? 它如何为人类提供一个适宜的居住地? 来自互联网
5. Barely-liveable benefits systems have decayed and been withdrawn. 勉强让人得以维生的福利制度已经衰退并被取消。 来自互联网
6. Vancouver is still the world's most liveable city, with a rating of 98.0; 温哥华得分98.0分,仍是世界上最宜居的城市; 来自互联网
7. The EIU, a sister company of The Economist, ranked it the most liveable city in America. TE的一家姐妹公司把匹兹堡列为全美最宜居城市。 来自互联网
8. Its second largest city, Melbourne has repeatedly been rated the world's most liveable city. 其第二大城市墨尔本曾多次被评为世界上最适宜居住的城市。 来自互联网
9. Thinking four centuries ahead, Sanderson returns to the question of how to build liveable cities. 思考着未来的四百年,桑德森回到了原来的问题:如何建造适宜人类居住的城市? 来自互联网
10. Here you can find the world's most civilized and most liveable cities in all the conditions necessary. 在这里,您能发现世界上最文明和最适合居住城市所必需的一切条件。 来自互联网
11. No Mumbaikar would describe the city as liveable ; yet many Mumbaikars cannot imagine living anywhere else. 没有孟买人会说这座城市适合居住,但是许多孟买人也不能够想象生活说在其他的地方。 来自互联网
12. This is bad, but still liveable with if no action was expected from you and you could just laugh about it. 这样的公司很糟,但假如没人期望你有所行动、你可以对此一笑置之的话,你仍可以接着待下去。 来自互联网
13. Liveable city alley green car are commonly used in city alley clean process on the urban and city living roads. 可居住城巷环保车在城市道路及居住城巷的环境清洁过程中得到广泛应用。 来自互联网
14. Very much indeed. You are a lucky fellow. There will be work for five summers at least before the place is liveable . 的确很喜欢。你这家伙很走运。至少要干五个夏天,那地方才能住人。 来自互联网
15. Some of the homes are still rather liveable . Hunters and fishermen leave their equipment there in order not to drag it along. 有些家是仍然可以居住的,猎人和渔夫为了不用负累而将他们的工具留在这里。 来自互联网
16. International Liveable Community represents the top honor of resident culture of humankind. It has the reputation of "green Oscar". “国际花园社区”是人类居住文明的最高荣誉,有“绿色奥斯卡——社区诺贝尔”之称。 来自互联网
17. It's essential we harness this great energy and prosperity to keep London fun and liveable , which is what the Peckham Lido is all about. 我们必须利用这巨大的能量和繁荣使伦敦保持乐趣和适宜居住性,这是Peckham Lido所关乎的全部。 来自互联网
18. Winter Olympics host Vancouver is the most liveable city in the world, according to the latest rankings by the Economist Intelligence Unit. 经济学人信息社的最新调查显示,2010年冬奥会主办地温哥华是全球最宜居城市。 来自互联网
19. With the theme ‘Better city, better life’ Expo organisers have challenged participants to generate ideas for liveable cities in the 21st century. 因此,围绕“城市,让生活更美好”的主题,世博会主办方鼓励各参展国为适合21世纪居住的城市作大胆构想。 来自互联网
20. You can still buy drugs behind closed doors in High Point, but the intervention was never about drugs. It was about making the neighbourhood liveable again. 虽然你仍可在高点的隐蔽角落买到毒品,但整治的重点已不再是毒品了,而是让这个地区恢复正常的生活秩序。 来自互联网
21. Vancouver is still the world's most liveable city, with a rating of 98.0; Sydney and Zurich, sharing ninth place, achieved a score less than 2% lower than Vancouver's. 温哥华得分98.0分,仍是世界上最宜居的城市;悉尼和苏黎世并列第九,和温哥华的得分差距小于2分。 来自互联网
22. But golf courses and suburban housing make the place liveable , and some locals have grown attached to Alberta’s tar sands and Fort McMurray, the town at the centre of them. 但高尔夫球场和郊区的住房使这个地方看起来还适宜居住,一些当地人越来越心仪于艾伯塔油砂和麦克默里堡(Fort McMurray)了。 这个小镇位于油砂矿区的中心。 来自互联网
23. But golf courses and suburban housing make the place liveable , and some locals have grown attached to Alberta’s tar sands and Fort McMurray, the town at the centre of them. 但高尔夫球场和郊区的住房使这个地方看起来还适宜居住,一些当地人越来越心仪于艾伯塔油砂和麦克默里堡(Fort McMurray)了。 这个小镇位于油砂矿区的中心。 来自互联网