- 1. So long as you work hard and earn enough money, you can live the life of Riley.
- 只要你工作买力,挣够多的钱,就可以过安逸的生活。
- 2. You told me that if we moved to the South Seas we would be living the life of Riley.
- 你告诉我说,如果我们移居南太平洋,我们就会过上安乐的日子。
- 3. He inherited a great deal of money from his father and has been living the life of Riley ever since.
- 他从父亲那里继承了一大笔钱,一直过着舒适的生活。
- 4. The con master gave the painter a little chicken feed while he himself lived the life of Riley forever.
- 巨骗给漆匠一点零头,自己却过著富埒王侯的生活。
- 5. You cook and eat like you're living the life of Riley and you sleep like a baby. And because the water is always flowing, there are no mosquitos!
- 你一边做饭一遍享受着舒适安逸的生活,你睡得像个婴儿,因为水是一直流动着的,所以没有蚊子!
- 6. You cook and eat like you're living the life of Riley and you sleep like a baby. And because the water is always flowing, there are no mosquitos!
- 你一边做饭一遍享受着舒适安逸的生活,你睡得像个婴儿,因为水是一直流动着的,所以没有蚊子!