- 1. This week his much hyped new movie opens in London.
- 本周他那部被大肆炒作的新电影在伦敦上映。
- 2. The meeting was hyped up in the media as an important event.
- 这次会议被媒体吹成一件大事。
- 3. We were both so hyped up about buying the house, we could not wait to get in there.
- 我们两人都对买这所房子感到紧张兴奋,迫不及待地要进去看看。
- 4. HTML 5 is a very hyped technology, but with good reason.
- HTML5是一项让人振奋的技术,这有着充分的理由。
- 5. They hyped up the crowd with TV to sell their political policy.
- 他们利用电视广播向群众大力兜售他们的政策。
- 6. More is driving that trend than just media-hyped views of beauty.
- 其实,驱动这项技术投入应用的并非是媒体炒作式的美丽愿景,而是大势所趋。
- 7. So, why is it that BlackBerry isn’t as hyped as the iPhone or Droid?
- 那么,为什么黑莓手机没有像iphone或Droid手机那样被广泛报道?
- 8. The restaurant where Yang works is the much-hyped hot-pot chain Haidilao.
- 杨永发工作的餐馆就是被大肆宣传的海底捞火锅连锁店。
- 9. For a much-hyped technology, XML has had little to do with this situation.
- 作为一种被广泛宣传的技术,XML对于这种情况并无对策。
- 10. The Kercher family has kept a low profile throughout the media-hyped case.
- 克尔彻一家在这个令媒体癫狂的案件中从头至尾一直保持低调。
- 11. That puts it far ahead of its much-hyped rival, Brazil, which slipped three places to 127th.
- 远远领先于它更为引人关注的对手巴西,后者下跌三名,现排名127。
- 12. In truth, Google had a social strategy long before Facebook released its much-hyped platform.
- 事实上,在Facebook的大炒特炒的平台推出前很久,Google就制定了社会化战略。
- 13. On the other hand, the much-hyped BlackBerry Storm has been criticized by many - including us.
- 另一方面,对黑莓Storm的过火宣传遭到了很多人的批评,包括我们在内。
- 14. Closing this gap is one promise of nanotechnology, a promise that has been hyped for many years.
- 消除这个鸿沟是纳米技术多年来让我们为之兴奋鼓舞的许诺。
- 15. “In many ways, I think the threat has been hyped,” he told the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
- “在很多方面,我认为威胁被夸大其词。” 巴拉迪面对原子《科学家简报》时如是说。
- 16. “In many ways, I think the threat has been hyped, ” he told the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
- 他对《核能科学家公报》表示,“我认为很多时候这个威胁都被放大了。”
- 17. At any given moment, roughly 35,000 people visit the most hyped of these communities, Second Life.
- 在任意时刻,大约有35000人会访问最时髦的虚拟社区《第二人生》。
- 18. I and a lot of people on the team understand that the words Web 2.0 have become overused and hyped.
- 我和我的很多同事都认为,Web 2.0一词已经被过度滥用而变得有些夸大其词。
- 19. Dozens of much-hyped "cures" developed by drug companies are either useless or have marginal effect.
- 数十种被制药公司吹得天花乱坠的所谓“治愈癌症的良药”,不是毫无作用就是作用甚微。
- 20. 'the gold market gets hyped up by these ideas... this should quieten some of the more rabid tongues.'
- 黄金市场被这些看法吹了起来,而现在应该能让一些更为狂热的人安静下来。
- 21. Fortune teller Kang Pan-seok, however, says 2007 is not the super lucky event it's been hyped up to be.
- 算命先生KangPan - seok说:“2007年并非绝顶地幸运,它被吹得有些离谱了。”
- 22. New products can take on a life of their own within an organization, becoming so hyped that there's no turning back.
- 新产品能够在产品线上走完自己的市场周期,但如此天花乱坠的营销方式使得其没有回头路。
- 23. But it extends to every over-hyped article that suggests that humans can't keep up with the pace of technological change.
- 这一怀疑可以推及每篇过分夸大了的文章,这些文章暗示人类不能跟上技术革新速度。
- 24. Our opening post was about Structured Data. In this article we look at probably the most hyped trend of 2009: the Real-Time Web.
- 我们第一篇文章是有关结构化数据的(中文link),在本文中,我们将关注2009年里最让人兴奋的一个趋势:实时网络。
- 25. Even the much hyped rise of online advertising has been reversed, with spending forecast to decline by 2.2% in America this year.
- 就连之前疯涨的网上广告业务也开始转而下降。美国今年的网上广告业务支出预计将减少2.2%。
- 26. This was in part because of the media backlash typical with an over-hyped technology, but also because reality has intruded online.
- 从某些方面来看,这是由于媒体对过于夸张的网络技术产生对抗性的反应,而现实社会中的因素侵入网络虚拟世界也是一方面原因。
- 27. This was in part because of the media backlash typical with an over-hyped technology, but also because reality has intruded online.
- 从某些方面来看,这是由于媒体对过于夸张的网络技术产生对抗性的反应,而现实社会中的因素侵入网络虚拟世界也是一方面原因。