- 1. Yellowstone area grizzlies were delisted in 2007.
- 黄石地区的灰熊曾于2007年被从保护名单中去队。
- 2. The Grizzlies also get 1st round picks in 2008 and 2010.
- 灰熊还得到了2008年和2010年的第1轮选秀权。
- 3. The Lakers also receive the Grizzlies' second-round pick in 2010.
- 湖人还将接受灰熊队在2010年的第2轮选秀权。
- 4. Still, the Grizzlies continued to match the Lakers' energy and effort.
- 然而,灰熊继续以同样的能量与努力跟湖人纠缠着。
- 5. McKie never reported to the Grizzlies and Marc Gasol is playing in Spain.
- 麦基在灰熊从来没有上过场,而马克·加索尔正在西班牙打球。
- 6. Park rangers are concerned for the safety of the tourists and the grizzlies alike.
- 公园管理员担心游客和灰熊的安全。
- 7. Gasol, the first All-Star in Grizzlies history, was sick all weekend in Houston and barely got out of bed.
- 枷锁是灰熊历史上第一位全明星球员,而伤病让他不得不躺在床上,从而错过了休士顿的全明星赛。
- 8. And scientists say those conflicts will climb as grizzlies venture into areas that made up their historic habitat.
- 科学家表示,随着灰熊进入它们历史上的栖息地,这种冲突将会上升。
- 9. Grizzlies are known to be some of the most dangerous bears and have a long-standing history in the Grand Tetons.
- 灰熊在美国大特顿山(Grand Tetons)已经有很长的一段历史了,它们被认为是最危险的物种之一。
- 10. The Grizzlies need a victory and desperately want to get back to the business of basketball, according to the players.
- 球员们也说灰熊需要一场胜利并急切的希望可以走回篮球的正轨上去。
- 11. Francis never showed up in Vancouver, having been petulant and pouting enough for the Grizzlies to send him elsewhere.
- 弗朗西斯脾气暴躁,灰熊受够了他的苦瓜脸,于是他最终没在温哥华露脸,而是被灰熊送到了别处。
- 12. During Wednesday's win over the Grizzlies, the Rockets saw what their offense can look like when everything is clicking.
- 星期三击败灰熊一役,火箭发现了他们真正的进攻能力——只要每个人都充满活力。
- 13. Gay, the Memphis Grizzlies forward, hosted an exhibition game on Tuesday night — and points were scored easily and often.
- 孟菲斯灰熊队的前锋鲁迪盖在周二晚上举行了一场表演赛——一种轻而易举就能得高分的表演赛。
- 14. The Hornets, Clippers, Nuggets and Grizzlies are capable of edging themselves into the postseason in their crowded conference.
- 黄蜂、快船、掘金和灰熊都在季后赛的边缘。
- 15. The observation has concerned many conservationists, who worry about the grizzlies competing with—or even attacking—polar bears.
- 这项观察和很多自然资源保护学家有关,这些人很关心灰熊对北极熊的竞争甚至是攻击。
- 16. Memphis was 22-60 last season, the worst mark in the NBA. But the Grizzlies managed to split the four-game series against the Lakers.
- 灰熊上赛季取得了NBA最差的战绩,22胜60负。但是他们仍然取得了对阵湖人时四场比赛的两场胜利。
- 17. But the estimated 600 grizzlies in the park and nearby Wyoming, Montana and Idaho won't be the focus of renewed efforts to contain conflicts.
- 但公园与邻近的怀俄明、蒙大拿和爱达荷州的约600头灰熊并不是此次旨在控制冲突的努力的关键所在。
- 18. Families gawk at a game enclosure featuring stuffed buffalo, grizzlies, bighorn sheep and other rarely seen emblems of the American frontier.
- 家庭成员痴痴地看着游戏。游戏的四周充满着水牛、灰雄、大盘羊和其它稀奇的美国边界象征物。
- 19. Families gawk at a game enclosure featuring stuffed buffalo, grizzlies, bighorn sheep and other rarely seen emblems of the American frontier.
- 家庭成员痴痴地看着游戏。游戏的四周充满着水牛、灰雄、大盘羊和其它稀奇的美国边界象征物。