- 1. They reached the cottage, which seemed to glow in the evening light.
- 他们来到了小屋,它似乎在晚霞下闪闪发光。
- 2. The splendid evening glow in the sky means another fine day tomorrow.
- 灿烂的晚霞预示明天又是好天气。
- 3. They glow in the dark.
- 它们在黑暗里发光。
- 4. Some natural matter can glow in the dark.
- 有些自然物质能在黑暗中闪光。
- 5. I glow in the dark.
- 我在黑暗里发光。
- 6. They don't wear a halo and they certainly don't glow in the dark.
- 他们没有光圈庇佑,他们也绝不是在黑暗中发光。
- 7. Christmas decorations glow in the old town of Vienna, Austria.
- 圣诞装饰灯染红了整个奥地利维也纳的老城区。
- 8. But Spitzer can. For the record, you glow in the infrared as well!
- 但是史皮哲可以。(注意,你同样会放出红外线!)
- 9. Hydrocarbons can glow in a range of colors, from pink to orange, Kirby said.
- 烃类能呈现许多颜色,从粉红到橙色,Kirby说道。
- 10. Luminous ink: Inks which glow in dark conditions. Also called Phosphorescent ink.
- 发光墨:在黑暗中发光的油墨。亦称磷光墨。
- 11. These are bioluminescent chromatophores, and they glow in the dark like fireflies.
- 这些是荧光的色素细胞,它们在黑暗中像萤火虫一样发光。
- 12. Your tender softness bloomed in my youthful limbs, like a glow in the sky before the sunrise.
- 你的温柔在我年轻的肢体上开花了,像一道曙光在太阳出来之前划过天空。
- 13. It was close to midnight, and in the dimly lit parking lot, Saadi seemed to glow in his white robes.
- 当时接近午夜,在昏暗的停车场上,身着白袍的萨阿迪似乎在发光。
- 14. She is petite and looks younger than her age, unusually pale but there was some glow in her small eyes.
- 她长的娇小柔弱,看上去要比实际年龄小些。她的脸色非同一般人的苍白,可在她细小的眼中洋溢出光茫。
- 15. Seen through the 'eyes' of a satellite sensor, ribbons of Saharan sand dunes seem to glow in sunset colors.
- 在卫星传感器的‘眼里’,撒哈拉沙漠上的一道道沙丘在夕阳下绽放出异彩。
- 16. Seen through the "eyes" of a satellite sensor, ribbons of Saharan sand dunes seem to glow in sunset colors.
- 通过卫星传感器的“眼睛”,我们可以看到撒哈拉沙漠上带状的沙丘正在阳光下泛着红晕。
- 17. Theyare not actually green; but are color coded in these images to allow scientistssee their glow in infrared.
- 它们实际上并不是绿色的,绿色只是这些图像中对它们发出的红外线的色彩编码,以方便科学家观察。
- 18. Auroras glow in different colors based on the types of atoms in the atmosphere and how high they are in the sky.
- 极光显现不同的颜色取决于大气原子的类型和其在天空中的高度。
- 19. The red glow in the background results from IC 1396, a large emission nebula that houses the Elephant's Trunk Nebula.
- 背景的红色光芒来自于 IC 1396,这是一个大型发射星云,其中居住着象躯星云。
- 20. A field would glow in areas where insects were attacking the crops, allowing insecticides to be deployed appropriately.
- 一片庄稼地在昆虫啃食粮食作物的时候会发光,这样就让灭虫剂在适当的时候才被使用。
- 21. Newborn stars heat up surrounding dust clouds, causing them to glow in the infrared, thus being detected by Spitzer.
- 新生的恒星会加热周围的尘埃云,让它们发出红外线,就可以被 Spitzer 探测到了。
- 22. Had she doubted his meaning while she listened, the glow in his face, when she looked up at him, would have been decisive.
- 假若她还听不出他的弦外之音,等她抬起眼来看他的时候,从他那容光焕发的脸上就能看得清清楚楚了。
- 23. The sulfur leaves a pale yellow stain that almost seems to glow in the lower image, a photo taken from a helicopter in July 2006.
- 硫磺留下的淡黄色痕迹,在2006年直升机拍摄的照片(下图)中更加鲜艳夺目。
- 24. Chinese paper laterns are perfect for achieving soft lighting because they nicely diffuse the light and spread the glow in all directions.
- 中式纸灯笼能够提供柔美的灯光,因为这种纸灯笼能够让灯光均匀、柔和的散射到各个方向。
- 25. "I am uncertain that any crops that glow in the dark are going to be of much interest to consumers," he says. "Glowing things make people wary."
- “我对消费者对发光作物是否很感兴趣不确定,”他说,“发光的物体让人感到紧张。”
- 26. The last room was dark like the inside of a tunnel except for a faint glow in the gold frames and the mirror which was hung too high on the wall.
- 最后一间屋子里,就像隧道里一样黑,除了墙上高高挂着的那面镜子,镜框弥漫昏黄光晕。
- 27. The last room was dark like the inside of a tunnel except for a faint glow in the gold frames and the mirror which was hung too high on the wall.
- 最后一间屋子里,就像隧道里一样黑,除了墙上高高挂着的那面镜子,镜框弥漫昏黄光晕。