6. Despite the toughest fiscaladjustment by any rich country since 1945, Greece's debt burden will, on plausible assumptions, peak at 165% of GDP by 2014.
7. There is now great scepticism as to the substance of any "fix" - especially one that relies on smoke and mirrors to postpone meaningful fiscaladjustment.
8. Such fiscaladjustment may be necessary to ensure medium-term debt sustainability, but its immediate effect would lead to a reduction in private and public aggregate demand.
9. Portugal is in the greatest danger, but it has a better history of fiscaladjustment which, under plausible assumptions, could allow its debt to stabilise at a manageable level.
10. The how of adjustment is also important in the medium term, where fiscal plans should seek to support growth.
11. The external adjustment is most unlikely to be big enough or fast enough to offset the slowdown in domestic demand, particularly given the constraints on fiscal action.
12. Mrs Reinhart thinks more fiscal stimulus merely postpones the necessary adjustment, because it replaces private debt with even greater public borrowing.
13. Then, I propose several countermeasures adjustment within the fiscal policy under the sane fiscal policy.
14. Based on part I, it takes the proportion of the fiscal appropriation for the cultural and sports publicity in the whole fiscal expenditure as the integrated adjustment co...
15. Based on part I, it takes the proportion of the fiscal appropriation for the cultural and sports publicity in the whole fiscal expenditure as the integrated adjustment co...