17. With a clear division between each of the pieces, your application will be easier to maintain and extendover its lifetime, no matter how large it becomes.
18. The earthy base structure of the house creeps out from the hilly landscape where light floating roofs that extendover the patio create an open air entertainment area.
19. According to Davis' scheme, the shoreline is being extended in a seaward direction because of the "land-building" role of mangroves, which, by trapping sediments over time, extend the shore.
20. For instance, most large projects grow by accretion as different developers extend or maintain the project over a period of years.
21. Modularity helps encapsulate change, which will make it easier to extend and modify the application over time.
22. Engage your quadriceps (front muscle on thigh) and extend your torso until you can melt over your legs.
23. Domino can dynamically extend the number of entries in this cache by 50 percent, so we can expect to see values that are over 100 percent if the DPAR needs to extend the entries.
24. This release contains over 100, 000 characters, and provides significant additions and improvements that extend text processing for software worldwide.
25. And as far as Rational is concerned, there is tremendous opportunity to extend the value that Rational has already established over the past 25 years.
26. To begin, soon after a dolphin sustains an injury such as a shark bite, surrounding blubber appears to extend a whitish layer over the exposed area to protect it.
27. Many Banks have been willing to roll loans over and ignore breaches of loan-to-value covenants caused by falling values (a strategy known as "extend and pretend") rather than force a sale.