- 1. Walking down a hill I pass by a group of expats in a bar.
- 我走下一座小山,走过一群坐在酒吧里的外国人。
- 2. Some 90 per cent of the 1.77 million population are expats.
- 迪拜总人口有177万,但90%为外来人口。
- 3. For some reason, ultimate clubs seem to be a global standard for expats.
- 由于一些原因,极限俱乐部对移居外国的人来说就像是一个全球的标杆。
- 4. Now, expats' representatives fear renunciations will become more common.
- 目前,海外公民的代表们担心放弃国籍将变得越来越普遍。
- 5. In 1996, nearly half of all expats left within three years; today, less than a third do.
- 在1996年,几乎有一半的外国人在三年之内离开了;今天却不到三分之一。
- 6. There are lots of expats down here, almost all retired, and they are all feeling the pinch.
- 许多的外国人住在这儿,几乎都是退休的,他们都感到节俭的重要。
- 7. But their experience does not necessarily reflect the experience of many of Beijing's expats.
- 不过他们的经历不一定能完全反映众多北京外国居民的感受。
- 8. Some said the expats would likely find local colleagues to be more understanding than expected.
- 有人说,外籍员工可能发现当地同事比他们预想的更善解人意。
- 9. It's no surprise that some expats have taken a missionary zeal to helping others cast a ballot.
- 难怪有些旅居国外的人以传教士般的热情来帮助其他人投票。
- 10. American expats have more time and incentive to get to know the soccer teams of their adopted home countries.
- 移居国外的美国人有更多的时间及动因去了解他们居住国的足球队。
- 11. All that is clear, says KPMG, a tax consultancy, is that the law will squeeze both expats and their employers.
- 税务咨询公司毕马威认为,很清楚的一件事就是这项法律将会压榨外国人和他们的雇主。
- 12. Last year Germany, Canada and Spain were the top three countries deemed to have the best lifestyle for expats.
- 去年的前三甲分别是德国、加拿大和西班牙。
- 13. Last year Germany, Canada and Spain were the top three countries deemed to have the best lifestyle. for expats.
- 去年的前三甲分别是德国、加拿大和西班牙。
- 14. And unlike many other expats, Americans must file a U.S. tax return, even if they pay taxes in their host country.
- 并且和其他外籍人士不同,美国人在东道国付税的同时,还要向美国提交一份报税表。
- 15. Other expats had been more persistent than me, learning the man's story and setting up a loose network to help him.
- 另外一些外国人比我更执着,他们了解了那个人的来历,还建立了一个松散的圈子来帮助他。
- 16. Expats living in Beijing were joining the record number of Chinese people who were making the great holiday getaway.
- 住在北京的外籍人士也加入了创纪录的假日出游大军。
- 17. So please believe me: you have many friends in Germany and I am sure expats in China will donate too or help in other ways.
- 所以请相信我,你们有很多德国朋友。而且我相信在中国的德国公民也会捐款,或用其它方式援助灾区。
- 18. As soon as you get settled, make it a priority to get doctor and hospital recommendations from other expats or the U.S. embassy.
- 一旦你安定下来,尽快从其他外籍人士或美国大使馆处了解到比较好的医生和医院。
- 19. So many Chinese expats have returned in the past few years that Valley-slang has given them a special name, B2C (back to China).
- 在硅谷,对近年来海外华人大量回国的现象已经有了一个独特的称呼:B2C (Back to China,即回到中国)。
- 20. I took him to a party full of expats once, and he followed a blonde friend of mine around the room all evening, eyes full of devotion.
- 我有一次带他去一个都是外国人的派对,他在房间里跟随我的一个金发碧眼的朋友一个晚上,眼中充满热情。
- 21. The smiling face of rootlessness are the 300,000 French expats who line their pockets in the City of London when the stock market booms.
- 面带微笑的漂泊者是30万流亡的法国人,当股市大涨时,他们在伦敦市大发横财。
- 22. At the same time, lending rates are low and the stock market has been on the rise, spurring confidence among the expats and locals alike.
- 同时,贷款利率低,股市持续走高,这些都激发了外来者及当地居民的信心。
- 23. The lowest-paid expats live in Australia and Belgium with the majority--63 percent and 61 percent respectively -- earning less than 100,000.
- 在澳大利亚和比利时工作生活的外国人薪水最低。大部分受访者(分别占63%和61%)年薪不足十万美元。
- 24. The lowest-paid expats live in Australia and Belgium with the majority--63 percent and 61 percent respectively -- earning less than 100,000.
- 在澳大利亚和比利时工作生活的外国人薪水最低。大部分受访者(分别占63%和61%)年薪不足十万美元。