1. Critics derided the move as too little, too late. 批评家们嘲笑这一行动规模太小,来得太迟。 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
2. His views were derided as old-fashioned. 他的观点被当作旧思想受到嘲弄。 《牛津词典》
3. In America, copyright holders get 95 years' protection as a result of an extension granted in 1998, derided by critics as the "Mickey Mouse Protection Act". 在1998年,美国通过的一项法案,版权拥有者保护期延长为95年,批评者讽刺这部法为“米老鼠保护法”。 来自互联网
4. She derided my effort as childish. 她嘲笑说我的努力很幼稚。 来自互联网
5. The slightest faux pas will be derided . 最细微的过错都将遭到嘲弄。 来自互联网
6. But both quit, derided for their bearishness. 但是,两人都离职了,背后是一片讥讽之声。 来自互联网
7. He is frequently derided as someone with no real power. 他常常被取笑为没有实权的人。 来自互联网
8. I was entering a territory I'd long scorned and derided . 我正进入一个我长期以来嘲笑和蔑视的领地。 来自互联网
9. Long derided as a city of sleaze, the city is reaching for respectability. 久因污秽而遭到诟病的城市,如今正在找回自己的体面。 来自互联网
10. Others have been quietly shelved or derided as monuments to corporate excess. 其他赞助合同有的被静静地束之高阁,有的还被嘲讽作为产能过剩的纪念。 来自互联网
11. Critics derided it as the "Empty State Building," and it was not profitable until 1950. 评论家们嘲笑地把它称为“空的大厦”(很多办公室都没有租出去)一直到1950年都没有盈利。 来自互联网
12. Among many Iranians, an unfamiliar emotion is evinced for the long-derided Arab: envy. 对长期遭人耻笑的阿拉伯来说,许多伊朗人心里的一种不常有的情感被挑起:嫉妒。 来自互联网
13. Even so, on the much-derided British side of the business, any improvement is encouraging. 即便如此,英国葡萄酒业过去曾备受嘲讽,所以任何进步都可喜可贺。 来自互联网
14. After the disaster of the first few years, nation building, much derided , has been a success. 灾难后的几年间,国家建设受到嘲弄,现在是一个巨大的成功。 来自互联网
15. "We are derided for how we dress, how we go about our laborers in a common society," Jeffs said. “我们在一个共同社会里穿戴的方式和分派劳动力的方式经常受到嘲笑,”杰夫斯说。 来自互联网
16. She also derided Barack Obama’s agenda, asking “How’s that hopey changey thing working out for you?” 她还嘲笑奥巴马的政策纲领,问道:“奥某人这种变来变去的计划怎么能管用?” 来自互联网
17. Moreover, Colonel Qaddafi is far more isolated and derided by his fellow Arabs than Mr Assad is. 而且,相对阿沙德,卡扎菲更为孤立无援,更受其他阿拉伯国家嘲弄。 来自互联网
18. Moreover, Colonel Qaddafi is far more isolated and derided by his fellow Arabs than Mr. Assad is. 此外,与阿萨德相比,卡扎菲上校在阿拉伯同胞中要孤立得多,也更不受待见。 来自互联网
19. They think it is a revamped version of an earlier, much-derided scheme for a "grand canal" from Seoul to Busan. 他们认为这只是早前备受嘲笑的“韩版大运河”(从首尔到釜山)方案的改版。 来自互联网
20. He has derided the federal stimulus but taken its cash-a sign of pragmatism or hypocrisy, depending on the audience. 他嘲笑过联邦刺激资金却还是拿了现金—标志着实用主义或是说虚伪,这要取决于观众的想法了。 来自互联网
21. The old continent's economies are widely derided for their rigid markets, high taxes and lack of entrepreneurial vim. 这个古老大陆的经济正以他们僵化的市场,较高的税负和缺乏活力的企业被人们所耻笑。 来自互联网
22. Rather, he insists, firms once derided as copycats and scofflaws should be seen as essential Allies in entering new markets. 相反,他坚持认为,应当把那些曾经被嘲笑为盲目模仿和屡屡违规的公司看作进入新市场的主要同盟。 来自互联网
23. The selling means that Chinese stock valuations, in the past derided as crazily optimistic, are at remarkably sober levels. 过去人们嘲笑市场对于中国股票估值过于乐观,目前的卖盘意味着它们的估值处于非常合理的水平。 来自互联网
24. Such patents are usually derided by research-intensive Western firms-but Schneider was stung by one that had been issued to Chint. 这样的专利通常都被西方的科研密集型企业嘲笑,但是施耐德却被授予正泰集团的一个专利狠咬了一口。 来自互联网
25. Across the Atlantic Ocean, the Puritans give their betrotheds useful thimbles instead of rings, which are derided as frippery. 横跨大西洋,清教徒们赠与自己的未婚夫有用的顶针,而不是被嘲笑为俗气的戒指。 来自互联网
26. Big software firms derided the idea that anyone would put their trust in free software written by mysterious online collectives. 大软件公司对这种想法嗤之以鼻,认为没人会相信诡异的网上集体写出的免费软件。 来自互联网
27. Some Internet users were divided over Wu's smile, some saying it made them feel calm and warm, while others derided it as stiff. 网民对吴怡的微笑颇有分歧。一些人认为,吴怡的微笑让他们感觉平和而温暖,有些人则挖苦地说,她的笑容很僵硬。 来自互联网
28. Some Internet users were divided over Wu's smile, some saying it made them feel calm and warm, while others derided it as stiff. 网民对吴怡的微笑颇有分歧。一些人认为,吴怡的微笑让他们感觉平和而温暖,有些人则挖苦地说,她的笑容很僵硬。 来自互联网