- 1. The chapatti on the right is a kind of unleavened bread.
- 右边的这片薄煎饼是一种未发酵面包。
- 2. A woman baked chapatti for members of her family and an extra one for a hungry passerby.
- 一个女人给家人烤薄饼,还留出一个给饥肠辘辘的路人。
- 3. One day, she decided to do away with him. She added poison to the chapatti she prepared for him!
- 一天,她决定弄死他,就在为他准备的薄饼上下了毒。
- 4. She kept the extra chapatti on the window sill. Every day, a hunchback came and took away the chapatti.
- 她总是把留出的那个放在窗台上,每天都有一个驼背的人来拿走薄饼。
- 5. I would have died, but just then an old hunchback passed by. He was kind enough to give me a whole chapatti.
- 我差点儿就死了,但就在那时一个老驼背人路过,他很仁慈给了我一整张饼。
- 6. She remembered the poisoned chapatti that she had made that morning. Had she not burnt it in the fire, it would have been eaten by her own son!
- 她想起了那天早上做的有毒的饼,要不是她把饼烧了,就会被她儿子吃了!
- 7. She remembered the poisoned chapatti that she had made that morning. Had she not burnt it in the fire, it would have been eaten by her own son!
- 她想起了那天早上做的有毒的饼,要不是她把饼烧了,就会被她儿子吃了!