- 1. The wind has changed direction.
- 风向已经变了。
- 2. The shouts changed to laughter.
- 叫喊声变成了笑声。
- 3. Has the wind changed direction ?
- 风向变了吗?
- 4. That incident changed their lives.
- 那次事件改变了他们的生活。
- 5. Our ship changed course.
- 我们的船改变了航向。
- 6. Everything changed after nine-eleven.
- 九一一事件发生后,一切都改变了。
- 7. Much has changed since my last visit.
- 自我上次来访后,变化很大。
- 8. The lights changed from red to green.
- 交通灯已由红变绿。
- 9. Things have changed since I was a lad.
- 从我幼时至今,一切都发生了变化。
- 10. 'How have I changed?' he asked silkily.
- “我是什么变化?”他柔声问道。
- 11. Fortunately for us, the weather changed.
- 我们运气好,天气变了。
- 12. I've recently changed my opinion of her.
- 我最近改变了对她的看法。
- 13. You've changed all the furniture around.
- 你改变了所有家具的位置。
- 14. The expression on his face never changed.
- 他的面部表情总是一成不变。
- 15. They changed the plans at the last minute.
- 事到临头他们却改变了计划。
- 16. The colours changed from green to amethyst.
- 这些颜色从绿色变成了淡紫色。
- 17. These events changed the course of history.
- 这些事件改变了历史的进程。
- 18. A lot has changed after the party congress.
- 该党代表大会后很多都变了。
- 19. After her death, their lives changed forever.
- 她死后他们的生活从此改变了。
- 20. His expression changed from amazement to joy.
- 他的表情由惊变喜。
- 21. "You haven't changed," I am often enviously told.
- “你没变,”我常被羡慕地告知。
- 22. Increased professionalism has changed the game radically.
- 职业运动员日益增加,彻底改变了这项运动。
- 23. Fame hasn't really changed him.
- 名声并没有使他有丝毫改变。
- 24. She changed into her swimsuit.
- 她换上了游泳衣。
- 25. I have changed in every way.
- 我已经完完全全变了。
- 26. She changed her name to his.
- 她改用了他的姓氏。
- 27. She hastily changed the subject.
- 她匆匆换了个话题。
- 28. Things have changed quite a bit.
- 情况大有改观。
- 29. Attitudes have changed radically.
- 态度发生了根本的变化。
- 30. Times have changed and so have I.
- 时代变了,我也变了。