- 1. It'll be a snack.
- 这不过是小事一桩。
- 2. Looks can be deceptive.
- 外表有时是靠不住的。
- 3. You might be right.
- 你或许是对的。
- 4. Pop music doesn't have to be trash; it can be art.
- 流行音乐并不一定是劣质的东西,它可以是艺术。
- 5. They should be allowed to wait for cheaper technologies to be developed.
- 他们应该被允许等待更廉价的技术开发出来。
- 6. Shoplifters will be prosecuted.
- 在本店行窃者将被起诉。
- 7. Cheats will be disqualified.
- 舞弊者将被取消资格。
- 8. It could be a virus, or it could be all in the mind.
- 这可能是种病毒,或者可能全是凭空想像。
- 9. Can he be serious?
- 他难道会当真么?
- 10. To be without Pearce would be a considerable blow.
- 要是缺了皮尔斯,那会是相当大的打击。
- 11. It should be noted that dissertations submitted late will not be accepted.
- 应该注意的是迟交的论文将不予接受。
- 12. Ordinarily it would be fun to be taken to fabulous restaurants.
- 被人带到豪华饭店去通常会很开心。
- 13. You can be married and still be plenty lonely.
- 结了婚也可能非常孤寂。
- 14. The government must be seen to be whiter than white.
- 政府须让人觉得是清正廉洁的。
- 15. Allah be praised.
- 感谢真主!
- 16. In no sense can the issue be said to be resolved.
- 无论如何这个问题都不能说已经解决了。
- 17. It'd be good to be there, but I'm not that fussed.
- 去那里当然好,不过我无所谓。
- 18. Allah be praised!
- 赞美安拉!
- 19. The trip has been exhausting and I'll be glad to be home.
- 这个旅程令人疲惫不堪,要是能回家就好了。
- 20. He had to be certain. There could be no room for doubt.
- 他必须确定无误。不能有任何的犹疑。
- 21. Airline travelers need to be confident that their bookings will be honored.
- 航空公司的旅客可以放心,他们的预订会得到兑现。
- 22. In order that training should be effective it must be planned systematically.
- 为使培训有成效,必须有系统的计划。
- 23. Diversions will be signposted.
- 临时支路都将设置路标。
- 24. She'll be here presently.
- 她马上就会到这儿。
- 25. It'll probably be OK.
- 这大概没有问题。
- 26. He could be spiteful.
- 他可能怀有恶意。
- 27. Will you be quiet!
- 安静点儿!
- 28. Thanks. That'll be grand!
- 谢谢。那太棒了!
- 29. Tonight will be cloudy.
- 今天夜间多云。
- 30. Tonight will be cloudy.
- 今天夜间多云。