1. The design, operation and improvement of the transmission for turn up astrodome which made of glass fibre reinforced plastic are introduced in the paper.


2. One deposit of copper, iron, zinc, gold, and silver sulfides in the Atlantic is, at 600 feet across and 120 feet high, as big as the old Houston Astrodome.


3. When Bush decided to make a second trip into the state last week, Blanco learned about it from the media — and had to cancel her trip to visit evacuees in the Houston Astrodome.
就在上周布什决定到该州做第二次慰问时,Blanco从媒体得知这一消息,并取消了原本视察houston Astrodome疏散人群的计划。


4. When Bush decided to make a second trip into the state last week, Blanco learned about it from the media — and had to cancel her trip to visit evacuees in the Houston Astrodome.
就在上周布什决定到该州做第二次慰问时,Blanco从媒体得知这一消息,并取消了原本视察houston Astrodome疏散人群的计划。
