1. Games: Accelerometer API, Mouse Lock API. 游戏:加速仪api,鼠标api。 来自互联网
2. It used the phone's accelerometer to sense a fall. 这个程序利用了手机的加速度计量器识别是否跌倒。 来自互联网
3. You control pitch and roll with the accelerometer . 你可以通过重力感应控制飞机俯冲和爬升。 来自互联网
4. Light sensor, accelerometer , compass (magnetometer) and gyroscope. 光线感应,加速感应,内置罗盘及陀螺仪。 来自互联网
5. An accelerometer based game is a perfect fit for this interface. 这样一款基于重力感应的游戏非常适合这一模式。 来自互联网
6. The orientation and accelerometer sensors each provide three data values. 方向和加速表传感器都提供三个数据值。 来自互联网
7. The other labeled sensors are: proximity sensor, ambient light sensor, and accelerometer . 其它被标出的传感器包括:近距离传感器,可见光传感器和加速度计。 来自互联网
8. With a satisfactory touch screen and accelerometer , Android serves well as a gaming phone. Android有一个令人满意的触摸屏和加速度加速器,作为游戏手机非常棒。 来自互联网
9. The phone firmware sends logs of accelerometer data to a central database for processing. 这些手机的固件会随时记录手机加速度计的数据,然后把这些数据发送到公司管理中心的数据库中进行处理。 来自互联网
10. The phone's internal compass and accelerometer also come into play to help determine its location. 手机内置的罗盘和加速度计亦能帮助手机定位。 来自互联网
11. As you can see in the video, Friese and Behrens Mars rover iPhone app works using the accelerometer . 正如你在视频中看到的,弗里泽和贝伦斯火星车iPhone应用工程利用加速度计运行。 来自互联网
12. The default is accelerometer panning of the 360-degree field of view, with virtual thumbstick aiming. 默认设置是重力感应控制360度的战场视角,屏幕上的虚拟准星用于瞄准。 来自互联网
13. The previous nano used the accelerometer to automatically reorient the screen when you rotated the device. 前代nano利用加速度计来在你旋转设备时自动调整屏幕方向。 来自互联网
14. First in our list of subroutines is a simple logic block to check if the accelerometer is available for reading. 在我们的子程序清单中首先是一个简单的逻辑块,用来检查是否有加速器可读。 来自互联网
15. Both of them are loaded up with Bluetooth, an accelerometer , ambient light sensor, and a rechargeable battery. 两款手表均配有蓝牙,重力感应,光感,以及可充电电池。 来自互联网
16. You can have the video blown up in front of you and still use the phone's accelerometer controls to play the game. 你可以面对着绚丽的画面,使用手机的重力感应控制进行游戏。 来自互联网
17. InfoQ: How complex are your mobile GUIs, do you use any device specific features like geolocation or the accelerometer ? InfoQ:你们的手机界面复杂么,用到类似定位或加速度计这样的设备特有功能没有? 来自互联网
18. The Note offers a full suite of sensors, including an accelerometer , compass and barometer, along with proximity and light. GalaxyNote内置了相当完整的传感器,包括加速、方向与气压感应功能,以及接近感应与光线感应。 来自互联网
19. The researchers' initial experiments used Apple's iPhone 3gs, but the phone's accelerometer lacked the necessary sensitivity. 最初,研究者们的实验使用的是苹果的iPhone3gs,但是3gs的重力感应器却不够灵敏。 来自互联网
20. There's an accelerometer that detects when your foot hits and leaves the ground, calculating that all-important contact time. 一个加速度测量仪捕捉你脚接触和离开地面的情况; 来自互联网
21. The accelerometer and compass are OK — as they are on iPod touch — but 3g makes a big difference when also orienting location. 加速计和指南针尚可——就像他们在ipod touch一样——但3g是的定向定位的时候有巨大不同。 来自互联网
22. The hardware is a little black box called the Sensecam, which containsa digital camera and an accelerometer to measure movement. 该实验所采用的硬件是一个被称为感知相机(Sensecam)的小黑匣子,它包括一只数码相机和一个测量移动的加速计。 来自互联网
23. Used in combination with GPS, an accelerometer , a compass and the gyroscope can be used for in indoor navigation with floor accuracy. 与全球定位系统、加速度计、陀螺仪和指南针结合使用,可用于具有地面精度的室内导航。 来自互联网
24. Native applications built in Objective-C make full use of all the iPhone features: GPS, accelerometer , local storage, camera and more. 用Objective - C语言创建的本地应用程序能完全使用iPhone的所有功能:GPS、加速器、本地存储、照相机等。 来自互联网
25. A major setback is that applications built this way can't access native iPhone features like accelerometer , GPS, camera, contacts, etc. 一个主要缺陷是用这种方法创建的应用程序不能获得本机iPhone的功能,例如加速器、GPS、照相机、通讯录等。 来自互联网
26. Rather than relying solely on an accelerometer , this controller USES a magnetic field to track both your hands' positions in 3d space. 除了一个加速计之外,该控制器还采用磁场跟踪你的手的三维位置。 来自互联网
27. Hand-held devices and other accelerometer -enabled systems can also be used to employ the translation between tips, tilts, and commands. 手持设备和其他支持加速计的系统也可以用于实现翻转、倾斜和命令之间的转换。 来自互联网
28. How do they take advantage of the iPhone’s unique characteristics: the accelerometer , swiping features, pinch, expand and rotate functions? 它们是怎样利用iPhone独一无二的特点的:加速度计,摇晃特性,多点触摸,旋转功能? 来自互联网
29. In fact, they can even tap into the functionality of the phone's hardware itself like the accelerometer and geolocation features. (Really!) 实际上,这些应用甚至也是使用手机硬件本身的一些功能,像加速度感应器(accelerometer)和地理位置感知功能。 来自互联网
30. This subroutine simply opens the file, reads the current accelerometer data, closes the file, and returns the data without the , (comma) characters. 这个子程序将打开一个文件,从中读取当前的加速器数据,然后关闭文件,并返回不包含 “,(逗号)” 字符的数据。 来自互联网