- 1. I rate zola and george eliot more highly than he does .
- 比起他来,我更加推崇左拉和乔治爱略特。
- 2. 1898 - Emile Zola is brought to trial for libel for publishing J 'accuse.
- 1898年的今天,埃米尔·左拉因出版《我控诉》被以诽谤罪名带上了审判庭。
- 3. It was Zola who predicted that one day Manet's Work would hang in the Louvre.
- 也正是左拉预言,终有一天马奈的作品将被悬挂在卢浮宫里。
- 4. He will fill your bedroom with pictures of our god Zola, whose number he wears.
- 他将在你的房间里 贴满了我们的上帝佐拉的照片(他总是穿着他的号码)。
- 5. When Zola signs for Cagliari a week before Roman swoops in and wants to keep him.
- 当阿布出现并打算留下佐拉,却发现他在一周前和卡里亚里签了约。
- 6. Zola and his naturalism seek for literary truthfulness for literature innovation.
- 左拉和他的自然主义追求文学真实,意在文学革新。
- 7. Once you choose your way of life, be brave to stick it out and never return. Zola.
- 䴿生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地走到底,决不回头。左拉。
- 8. Once you choose your way of life, be brave to stick it out and never return. — Zola.
- 生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地走到底,决不回头。左拉拉。
- 9. Once you choose your way of life, be brave to stick it out and never return. - Zola.
- 糊口的道路一旦选定,就要英勇地走到底,决不回头。
- 10. Once you choose your way of life, be brave to stick it out an-d never return. — Zola.
- 生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地走到底,决不回头头——左拉。
- 11. Zola, who is now involved in the Italy Under-21 set-up, feels the quadruple is still on.
- 现正着手建立义大利21岁以下阵容的佐拉觉得四冠王仍然是有可能的。
- 12. "The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work." - Emile Zola.
- 没有了天赋,艺术家一钱不值,但是没有努力,天赋就一钱不值。-爱弥尔·左拉。
- 13. Chelsea won 4-2 courtesy of goals by Mark Hughes, Gianfranco Zola and two from Gianluca Vialli.
- 切尔西还以颜色4-2 战而胜之,进球的是马克-休斯、吉安弗兰科-佐拉和独中两元的吉安卢卡-维亚利。
- 14. Chelsea legend Gianfranco Zola believes his old club are close to winning the Champions League.
- 切尔西传奇人物佐拉相信他的老东家接近赢得欧洲冠军联赛。
- 15. He was just as big in Italy. After Maradona left Napoli, people liked to make comparisons with Zola.
- 在意大利时,他也是个巨星,当马拉多纳离开那不勒斯之后,人们都喜欢拿他和佐拉进行比较。
- 16. It is a must. "But Zola was last night facing the possibility of selling his best players to survive."
- 但佐拉一夜间就可能要把队里最好的球员卖掉来度过难关。
- 17. Notable among the many he encountered were Mallarme, Manet, Monet, Degas, Pissarro, Renoir, Sisley, and Zola.
- 其中较为著名的人物有马拉梅,马奈,莫奈,德加,毕沙罗,雷诺阿,西斯莱和左拉。
- 18. I picked up an Emile Zola book and stood there holding it, waiting to remember something I had read long ago.
- 我挑了本左拉的书,我捧着书站在那里,试图回忆起很久以前读过的一段文字。
- 19. 17-year-old Zola and her gang of ladettes boast about just how much under-age drinking they did last weekend.
- 17岁的左拉和她的假小子同伴们自夸说上周末喝了好多酒,而她们还没有达到法定饮酒年龄。
- 20. Zola was determined to understand his friend's style and was extremely generous with praise for his paintings.
- 左拉决意要理解他朋友的风格,对他的画总是赞扬备至。
- 21. Chelsea are tracking the young forward, who has drawn comparisons with Stamford Bridge favourite Gianfranco Zola.
- 切尔西正在跟踪观察这位年轻前锋,罗西纳经常被拿出来和斯坦福桥传奇人物佐拉进行比较。
- 22. Love is not old, it is to keep an eternal flame and eternal light, the existence of the world, takes it as nourishment. — Zola.
- 爱是不会老的,它留着的是永恒的火焰与不灭的光辉,世界的存在,就以它为养料。——左拉。
- 23. Craig Bellamy is the latest example and manager Gianfranco Zola didn't even need that much persuading to offload the troublemaker.
- 贝拉米就是这最新鲜的例子,佐拉甚至不需要多少的劝说去把这个大麻烦撵走。
- 24. West Ham United manager Gianfranco Zola believes Arsenal have a better chance of winning this season's title than his former club Chelsea.
- 西汉姆主帅左拉相信阿森纳比切尔西拥有更好的机会去赢得本赛季的英超冠军。
- 25. However, because of many reasons, Baggio gradually disappear from the national team to replace him are the location of Zola and Del Piero.
- 但是,由于诸多原因,巴乔逐渐从国家队中消失,取代他位置的是佐拉天龙八部私部和皮埃罗。
- 26. However, because of many reasons, Baggio gradually disappear from the national team to replace him are the location of Zola and Del Piero.
- 但是,由于诸多原因,巴乔逐渐从国家队中消失,取代他位置的是佐拉天龙八部私部和皮埃罗。