1. Since 1867, The Babcock &Wilcox Company (B&W) has been the leading worldwide producer ofsteam generation technology and equipment. 巴布科克&维尔克斯公司自1867年起就一直是世界范围内蒸汽生产技术和设备的领头企业。 来自互联网
2. One day we went down to the cellars with Wilcox . 一天,我们和威尔科克斯一起下到地窖里。 来自互联网
3. Mrs. Wilcox drove a silent upright electric automobile. 威尔科克斯太太开着一辆无声的立式电动汽车。 来自互联网
4. Wilcox , whose boyfriend could not be reached for comment. 我们未能联系到她的男友置评。 来自互联网
5. Wilcox said the man was a lively guy who enjoyed playing hockey. 威尔考克斯说他是活泼好动的人,喜爱玩冰球。 来自互联网
6. “No one should place any bets on the technology of the future, ” Wilcox said. “没有人应该把赌注压在未来的技术上,”Wilcox说。 来自互联网
7. Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone. — Wilcox . 笑,世界与你同笑;哭,你独自去哭吧。——威尔考克斯。 来自互联网
8. The newest employee is Corey Wilcox . He maintains the gym's exercise equipment. 最新进的员工是柯里·威尔克,他负责维修健身房内的运动器材。 来自互联网
9. "This has never been done before," said Jane Wilcox , a spokeswoman with the tire company. “这是件破天荒的事情,”公司女发言人简·威尔科克斯说。 来自互联网
10. But even putting kids aside, Wilcox challenges attitudes that marriage is merely a piece of paper. 但即使不考虑孩子,Wilcox还是质疑那些认为婚姻只是一纸协议的看法。 来自互联网
11. Wilcox Memorial Hospital's 11 elevators are operating with expired permits, the newspaper reported. 据报道,威尔·科特斯纪念医院有11套电梯运行许可证已过期。 来自互联网
12. Wilcox joined Silicon Valley Bank in 1990 when he co-founded the company's East Coast Technology Division. 魏高思于1990年加入硅谷银行,并着手成立了硅谷银行的东海岸技术分区。 来自互联网
13. Prior to his banking career, Wilcox was a professor of German at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 在投身银行业务之前,魏高思曾执教于北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校,担任该校德语教授。 来自互联网
14. One could argue that the Babcock and Wilcox plants were not fault tolerant, they relied on everything working perfectly. 有人认为Babcock和Wilcox电站,都不能出现故障,它们需要,所有的事情都良好的工作。 来自互联网
15. 'What they had accomplished in 20 minutes took us two hours,' says Ms. Wilcox , whose boyfriend could not be reached for comment. “他们二十分钟说完的话,我们花了两个小时,”威尔科克斯说。我们未能联系到她的男友置评。 来自互联网
16. Ramanathan, Wilcox and an Indian glaciologist Syed Iqbal Hasnain are working to figure out the impact of black carbon on glacial loss. 拉曼·纳桑、威尔考克斯和印度冰川学家萨义德·以邱巴尔·哈斯纳因正在协同工作,以计算炭黑对冰川融解所造成的损失。 来自互联网
17. All love that has not friendship for its base, is like a mansion built upon sand. — Ella Wheeler Wilcox , American author and poet. 没有友谊做基础的爱,就像沙子上修建的大厦- - -艾拉·惠勒·威尔考克斯,美国作家和诗人。 来自互联网
18. Jeff Wilcox , primary developer of the Silverlight unit test framework, has posted several entries on writing unit tests for Silverlight 2. JeffWilcox,Silverlight单元测试框架的主要开发人员,发表了多篇文章谈到Silverlight2的单元测试问题。 来自互联网
19. And even if Kwame Brown suddenly turns into a decent starter, his backups will have to be Wilcox and Maxiell, both forwards by trade. 即使布朗突然很体面的变成了首发,但他的替补也只是刚刚交易来的前锋考克斯和Maxiell。 来自互联网
20. Mr. Wilcox is director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia and a member of the Commission on Parenthood's Future. 本文作者威尔科克斯先生是弗吉尼亚大学自然婚姻项目主管,未来双亲研究会成员。 来自互联网
21. Wilcox managed the first regional office of Silicon Valley Bank and was responsible for all lending activity east of the Mississippi River. 他负责管理硅谷银行第一家地区办公室,并负责密西西比河以东地区的所有贷款活动。 来自互联网
22. Wilcox received a bachelor's degree in German studies from Oakland University and a Ph. D. in German studies from The Ohio State University. 魏高思获得奥克兰大学德国研究学士学位以及俄亥俄州州立大学德国研究博士学位。 来自互联网
23. Upon promotion to chief banking officer in 1997, Wilcox moved from Massachusetts to California and became President and CEO within four years. 他于1997年被提升为首席银行官,之后从马萨诸塞州移居加利福尼亚州,并在四年内上任为硅谷银行金融集团总裁兼首席执行官。 来自互联网
24. "You'd be a lot more concerned about seeing a married friend who is two-timing than a cohabiting friend who is cheating on his girlfriend," Wilcox said. Wilcox说,你要多注意些,你的已婚朋友出轨的概率是同居者的两倍。 来自互联网
25. Rossi-Wilcox says that there are thousands of cracks and breaks: "All of the models need to be cleaned, and a majority need to have some small repairs." 罗西魏考克斯表示:「馆内所有的玻璃模型都需要清洗,且大部份都有断裂与破损 的 地方需稍做 修补。」 来自互联网
26. On June 2, 1899, the gang robbed a Union Pacific overland flyer near Wilcox , Wyoming, a robbery that became famous and which resulted in a massive man hunt. 在1899年的6月2日,该团伙抢劫了联合太平洋公司在怀俄明州威尔·科特斯县附近的分部,这起轰动一时的抢劫案引发了一场大规模的追踪。 来自互联网
27. On June 2, 1899, the gang robbed a Union Pacific overland flyer near Wilcox , Wyoming, a robbery that became famous and which resulted in a massive man hunt. 在1899年的6月2日,该团伙抢劫了联合太平洋公司在怀俄明州威尔·科特斯县附近的分部,这起轰动一时的抢劫案引发了一场大规模的追踪。 来自互联网